Useless point maybe to you. Calling someone who was a constritutional law professor a constitutional moron, is revealing their ignorance of his background.
No it isn't. I am 100% sure MG knows that Obama studied and taught Constitutional Law. Thus he is not ignorant to Obama's background.
Continually pointing to someone's academic achievements as proof of their greatness on some subject, is a sheepish mentality.
That's what I thought.
This is your line of reasoning.
You have someone who is a nuclear engineer, you take him out of that field and put him into computer science which he fails at. You then claim he must be a terrible nuclear engineer because he failed at computer science.
What BO does as President, has little to do with his ability as a Professor of Constitutional Law.
Since Grant was a poor President does that mean he must have been a bad Military Leader?
Since Bush was a bad President, does that mean he was a bad Governor of Texas?
Want to know how many times I voted for W? And you claim never to have voted for Obama, but I can't really recall the last time you made a post that wasn't in his defense.
That's right I didn't vote for him. But I think he needs to be in office more then 70 days before I start making snap judgements on how poor a President he is.
I also voted for W., something which in hindsight was a mistake, but I doubt Kerry would have been that much better.
I understand what you mean about judging him with so little time in office but I would like to ask you a legitimate question about your impression of him so far by his actions while in office. Do you like the tone he has set and do you think he is taking this country right direction?
I would argue that he is not doing what is best for the country so far. My reasoning is simple. At a time like this, with what the country is facing, it is not the time for "radical" changes. We should be taking small steps for recovery while thinking about the long term. Massive spending on anything other than what will jump start the economy is reckless. This is not the time for making a push toward socialized medicine, granted i don't believe it is a good idea for any reason but it certainly isn't responsible at this time. Before we take on such an expensive endeavor as this we should first figure out what we can do about our social security problem for example. We will not be able to continue at this rate for much longer, adding something this expensive is a problem, especially right now.
This is just one example of my problems with Obama thus far, he just isn't giving me any reason to believe he is going to do what this country needs to succeed, in fact he seems to be making a problem he inherited from Bush even worse, JMO.
Most of your concerns are legitimate and I agree he's been disappointing on several levels so far. I'm not disputing that spending isn't overblown but other then remove the stimulus bill for job creation and pork barrel projects there's not a lot he could do.
Most of the deficit spending it to fund AIG, GMC, and the Iraq and Afghan Wars. There's not a lot he can do to bring the majority of the spending down. He largely inherited those problems from the previous administration in my view.
My personal feeling is the democrats are going to lose seats in Congress at the midterm election if they dont change course on several issues.
To me most of the anger should be at the person who largely created the problem, i.e. Bush invading Iraq, ignoring the Housing bubble instead of at the person who is now forced to repair the problem. :twocents: