Corso needs to go too. He had a good run and was very entertaining but he is too old and can't keep up. He has become more of a caricature of his old self.
Corso needs to go too. He had a good run and was very entertaining but he is too old and can't keep up. He has become more of a caricature of his old self.
Corso needs to go too. He had a good run and was very entertaining but he is too old and can't keep up. He has become more of a caricature of his old self.
Exactly. Holtz was an arrogant, antagonistic homer. Corso just isn't as sharp anymore. Big difference in the two. I think the general football fans' reaction to the ending of both of their careers will be vastly different.
I love Booger, Mcelroy, and Tebow. About all the guys from the SEC network are good to me better then Verne Lundquist and Gary Danielson.......hell with them