Strongs UL team has the schedule of a Texas highschool. Ridiculous. He appears to be a decent coach and has a dangerous qb, but Its easy to be a good coach when you play absolutely nobody.
Strongs UL team has the schedule of a Texas highschool. Ridiculous. He appears to be a decent coach and has a dangerous qb, but Its easy to be a good coach when you play absolutely nobody.
Agree 100% with the article and the last 3 paragraphs are really sad . Schools sugarcoating themselves banning signings at fanfests where most likely people get only 1 item signed per player (alot of time and effort just to make a buck ? Really ? Doubt there are any brokers hanging around those either . Is Charlie Strong really gonna tell the wealthy boosters -- uh no, my players arent going to give you an autographed football or helmet -- answer is NO, he will give them one they pay his salary.