If you don't know by August of your Senior year if you're graduating early, then you probably aren't. /QUOTE]
I didn't know I was going graduate at all, matter of fact, at the time I graduated you actually had to attend graduation to get a diploma, and grades were not received until a few days before that.
What you are talking about is speculation, which has no basis in rules or even the legal field, in general. Under your speculation theory, nobody in my class would have known they were going to graduate.
Players are actually signing multiple financial agreements with multiple schools, which would be violation if the rule actually existed, but it doesn't.... which is why they had to make up a rule that doesn't exist with LSU.
Basically, the end of financial agreements as a player that signs an agreement, and the school complies with the rule as written, and the player does not show up on campus... under this stupid SEC theory... that is violation of the secret rule.