Major rebuilding project...

One game vs. no 2 in country. Lets not give up the ship just yet. We may still surprise somebody. Worley is well Worley. But all hope is not lost, lets see where we are at the end of the season.

I agree. As long as we can stay healthy
i believe we could still surprise a few teams. There were several games we could have won last year if different decisions would have been made toward the end of the game. MisSt, Mizzou, SC.
I agree. As long as we can stay healthy
i believe we could still surprise a few teams. There were several games we could have won last year if different decisions would have been made toward the end of the game. MisSt, Mizzou, SC.

I'll have to see it to believe it :whistling:. I see possibly 2 more wins this year, and the same for next year (3 or 4 wins) before things start trending up.
I'll have to see it to believe it :whistling:. I see possibly 2 more wins this year, and the same for next year (3 or 4 wins) before things start trending up.

I hope you're wrong. If we only manage 4 wins over the next two years, Butch will be building the team for the next coach.
Really? Akron almost upsets Michigan, North Dakota State upsets Kansas State and the list goes on.

Everyone talks about depth, lack of playmakers and so on. I can guarantee you that Akron lacks the talent and depth that Michigan does and that NDS lacks the depth of Kansas State yet they almost find a way to win or outright win the game. Why? It boils down to coaching or the lack there of. And what I mean by that is in how they gameplan, prepare their football teams and so on.

What I saw on Saturday (and very surprising to me) was a very bad game plan and an even worse execution of a bad game plan. I'm not trashing Coach Jones or trying to say that he is a bad Coach or needs to be gone etc. I'm just stating what should be obvious to everyone. I can guarantee you that there are Coach's out there that could take our current players and win. Right now. Again not trashing Coach Jones because I think he can win and will.

The problem with our fan base is that we have got so used to making excuses that we buy into them. Butch Jones does not buy into the excuses and I am sure that he would have much more respect for us as fans if we didn't either. I believe that he expects us to hold him to a higher standard and we should. No loss like the one we suffered on Saturday should be acceptable or excusable, period!

I liked this post both literally and figuratively.
Jones said in the presser that he didn't even have a 2nd offensive line to put in the game to get reps! Wow! That's a very telling sign of how far away we are from contending for anything. We must stick with Jones for at least 4-6 years if for no other reason, we need some talent and depth on the sidelines. I bought in to him in recruiting. The main test for me was/is in-game coaching. Lets hope his decisions have been based on the talent and depth, not his coaching philosophy.

That's interesting given that we have several scholarship offensive linemen including Crowder, Sanders, Jackson, Posey, Pair, Kendrick, and I'm probably missing someone. They've even considered red shirting Jackson.

Also, if we've not made significant strides before year four, his recruiting will tank too.
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Really? Akron almost upsets Michigan, North Dakota State upsets Kansas State and the list goes on.

Everyone talks about depth, lack of playmakers and so on. I can guarantee you that Akron lacks the talent and depth that Michigan does and that NDS lacks the depth of Kansas State yet they almost find a way to win or outright win the game. Why? It boils down to coaching or the lack there of. And what I mean by that is in how they gameplan, prepare their football teams and so on.

What I saw on Saturday (and very surprising to me) was a very bad game plan and an even worse execution of a bad game plan. I'm not trashing Coach Jones or trying to say that he is a bad Coach or needs to be gone etc. I'm just stating what should be obvious to everyone. I can guarantee you that there are Coach's out there that could take our current players and win. Right now. Again not trashing Coach Jones because I think he can win and will.

The problem with our fan base is that we have got so used to making excuses that we buy into them. Butch Jones does not buy into the excuses and I am sure that he would have much more respect for us as fans if we didn't either. I believe that he expects us to hold him to a higher standard and we should. No loss like the one we suffered on Saturday should be acceptable or excusable, period!

If you choose to believe the exception and not the rule, that's your choice. The amount of teams who lack superior talent against superior teams lose 99% of the time (as did Akron). There will always be unbelievable exceptions and you can certainly keep hoping for that. I prefer to live in reality, not fantasy land.
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Peterman will be named the starter by week 7. Butch wanted him to run his Cincinnati offense. Dobbs will redshift. Worley will play next season at UTC or MTSU. Riley will be the backup until he graduates. All of this is a work in progress.

Pat Ryan said it best on Friday: "Our next great QB is not on campus."
btw the next two years will be rough cuz I get the feeing butch will be playing his young guys a lot. by year three they should make the jump.
I think the OP is a crock. There are good players on this team who are all in... mind, body, and soul. If any one of them makes or accepts excuses for playing as badly as they did in Oregon then he should not be allowed to suit up. Clean out their lockers and tell them to not come back until they are committed to playing on a higher level. Any coach who cannot teach the players how to play on that higher level should pack his bags.
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Actually, Butch has said that Team 117 has bought into his message more quickly than teams at Central Michigan and Cincinnati did during year one at those institutions. He also has said that there is a lot of pride on this team but, at the same time, "we aren't the most talented team in the country and our margin for error is very slim."
At the end of the 2015 season let's see what progress has been made by Jones. If he has made significant progress, then extend him. If he has not made significant progress, fire him.

Geez, lets take this one game at a time and one year at a time, firing and hiring is what got us into this mess...who do you think you are to set this deadline of the op's comments....
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I think many on here don't understand or refuse to acknowledge how badly our program was hurt as a result of the one and done Kiffin year and the subsequent Dooley debacle.

First, more than 20 players from the sole Kiffin class either left the program or were kicked off the team. Think about that. That is the equivalent of a MAJOR scholarship reduction penalty from the NCAA. It destroys your depth and your ability to remain competitive if injuries mount in addition to the fact that many of those players were or should have been significant contributors to the rebuilding of the program.

Secondly, the Dooley-era showed a staff that just wasn't able to recruit the type of talent you have to have in order to compete with the Oregon's, Bama's, etc. I looked at the starting offensive lineup for yesterday's game and didn't see one proven playmaker on the field. I think North has ability, but our current QB has a major issue with throwing the ball down field with accuracy. We have an offensive line that is good at pass blocking, but really mediocre at run blocking. I ask you if you were a DC, who on this offense would scare you?

And C, our defense is a lethal combination of young and slow, period. I think we have some players that have real potential and ability, but guys we have walk ons getting significant playing time. To make things worse, we have ZERO depth at DT and it just keeps getting worse. If we can't pressure QB's, our defense is going to get exposed often.

My point is, Jones has a major rebuilding project ahead of him because the last two staffs put us way behind from a talent point of view. And the scariest part, we may be in a worse position next year when we have to replace our entire offensive line!

You could hear it from Jones in his post game interview that we just don't have the play makers to compete at any level with the premier programs in the SEC or elsewhere and I think a lot of Volnation got way ahead of itself thinking we should be a 7-8 win team. I ask you, who on this roster instills that level of confidence? I just don't see the playmakers, yet.

I think Jones has already shown his recruiting ability and I hope this class stays together during what I suspect will be a pretty tough season. Bottom line, until we recruit and retain top talent, we certainly can't be expected to compete with top programs. I think Butch can and will get us there, but our fanbase needs to come back to earth a bit, start to fill the stadium, and support this rebuilding project, because it is a significant one.

Hey, CA. Awesome post, I agree with every word (even gave it a "like"), but I think you missed the memo that you're not allowed to post things with common sense on here. It's supposed to be all "Worley sucks, start Dobbs", "we don't have any WRs", and "WTF is Butch doing" threads. The more you know and all.
Perhaps a bigger endeavor than the Twin Towers, Butch is certainally going to need alot of bricks.
You could take all the posts when Dooley was here and inherited Kiffin's mess,who inherited it from Fulmer, and just copy and paste. It's the same tired old crap. You can't keep rebuilding forever.
I think many on here don't understand or refuse to acknowledge how badly our program was hurt as a result of the one and done Kiffin year and the subsequent Dooley debacle.

First, more than 20 players from the sole Kiffin class either left the program or were kicked off the team. Think about that. That is the equivalent of a MAJOR scholarship reduction penalty from the NCAA. It destroys your depth and your ability to remain competitive if injuries mount in addition to the fact that many of those players were or should have been significant contributors to the rebuilding of the program.

Secondly, the Dooley-era showed a staff that just wasn't able to recruit the type of talent you have to have in order to compete with the Oregon's, Bama's, etc. I looked at the starting offensive lineup for yesterday's game and didn't see one proven playmaker on the field. I think North has ability, but our current QB has a major issue with throwing the ball down field with accuracy. We have an offensive line that is good at pass blocking, but really mediocre at run blocking. I ask you if you were a DC, who on this offense would scare you?

And C, our defense is a lethal combination of young and slow, period. I think we have some players that have real potential and ability, but guys we have walk ons getting significant playing time. To make things worse, we have ZERO depth at DT and it just keeps getting worse. If we can't pressure QB's, our defense is going to get exposed often.

My point is, Jones has a major rebuilding project ahead of him because the last two staffs put us way behind from a talent point of view. And the scariest part, we may be in a worse position next year when we have to replace our entire offensive line!

You could hear it from Jones in his post game interview that we just don't have the play makers to compete at any level with the premier programs in the SEC or elsewhere and I think a lot of Volnation got way ahead of itself thinking we should be a 7-8 win team. I ask you, who on this roster instills that level of confidence? I just don't see the playmakers, yet.

I think Jones has already shown his recruiting ability and I hope this class stays together during what I suspect will be a pretty tough season. Bottom line, until we recruit and retain top talent, we certainly can't be expected to compete with top programs. I think Butch can and will get us there, but our fanbase needs to come back to earth a bit, start to fill the stadium, and support this rebuilding project, because it is a significant one.

I understand that it is a rebuilding project. I didn't expect to win Saturday. what I did expect to see was a better coached team on the field. everybody has been bragging about jones and his game day coaching abilities. I didn't see it. he puts a qb out there that can't throw. the D has a blown coverage every series of downs. some of this comes down to coaching and our best staff in the country. if jones is gonna need the best recruits in the country then I think he may not be the right coach for us. by the way folks tackling is directly on the DC. that should have been the first thing he taught the players.
Even the announcers mentioned how Kiffins class destroyed us. Effectively he recruited about 2 players in his one class! Even AL would be hurting a bit if Saban took an entire year off of recruiting!
Not to mention that Fulmers last couple of classes were nothing to right home about!

SEC Math - 5+years of mediocre recruiting = mediocre team

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