My laptop has been hijacked, apparently by a firm acting for the Republican party. This has now happened 6 times in the last half hour or so. I'm on Windows 7 Professional, using IE. I'm on the Football Forum, and after clicking 5-6 threads and then the link to go back to the FF home page, I go elsewhere.
It won't let me screenshot, but it's a white screen with a dark grey box with white letters saying "FIND OUT WHERE TO VOTE."
When I hover over the box, the URL shows an followed by a nearly infinite series of characters. When I click on the box, it goes briefly to adclick and then
Meanwhile the original VN page, hijacked by adclick, has the spinner going up in the toolbar.
When I Google nrsc, it comes up as National Republican Senatorial Committee. The page itself has something about Target Victory.
I am beyond irate. I now have to shut down and run AdAware and Malwarebytes in hopes of getting rid of this crap. Had I been considering voting Republican, his would most certainly have ended that idea.
eta: background anti-virus is McAfee LiveSafe (I know, I know), plus Windows security is current.