cbbowlingmd--Fall is here, proof is last year's fall debris on the forest floor. And lawns as yet not made leafless. And stubborn, clinging, dead, unfallen leaves on trees that have wintered, now sprouting spring buds. All signs of a fall that insist on lingering here and there despite being long past their expiration date. There, cbbowlingmd, I've done what I can to honor your request to make it all fall already. In return all I ask is a herb rubbed and grilled Nilgai antelope steak.
orange parmejohn--Pig or DYoung get the most playing time question. Answers is they will rotate. Both have too much upside to keep either off the field. Both have too much homerun ability if they get into open space. CBJ knows this. Wouldn't be surprised to see them both on the field to argument the massive passing game I'm convinced we will have.
fade route--Regarding your suggestion that Croom ink up, I hope he doesn't. I know it's a fade among the young these days but ink is a poison. Not just dermatologically speaking but career-wise as well. Doesn't happen in all cases but seen more than a few folks covertly and overtly denied employment due to the ink they sported. Fought against some of those decisions as a member of a review interview and selection committee (RISC), and lost them all. Image and impressions matter in the non-sports world, long after a football career is over. Hopefully, MZTerry has raised her boy to understand this and he heeds her wisdom. Yes, I know about the warrior mentality and the tradition of tattoo relevant to that. Cool, I think but modern realities in the job market beyond sports isn't as friendly as we'd like it to be. Yes, I know there are examples that contradict what I say here but you'd be surprised at what goes on behind closed doors in hiring processes. Bias is alive and too well as I've seen too often. Sometimes a mere word of an interviewee that common sense says is trivial and even minimized by his/her overall interview performance is held against a person. Yes, yes, we have laws and all that, don't mean a thing. The RISC met in a cloistered room. We were required to leave cell phones and any other record capacity devices outside. Easier to cover up the truth that way. So, I know you mean well, but I hope he doesn't ink up for his own good. That stuff can come back and bite your booty real hard, taking out massive chunks of employability.