Mandatory Vaccination for US Military

Hannity gonna be lit tonight. Guessing theme will be "should american patriots be guinea pigs for Team Fauci" or something to that effect.

Of course. He knows his audience, knows their triggers, and plays on them like a virtuoso violinist in concert.

I bet his military viewers will roll their eyes, but you know the rank and file without military experience will gobble it up.
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Of course. He knows his audience, knows their triggers, and plays on them like a virtuoso violinist in concert.

I bet his military viewers will roll their eyes, but you know the rank and file without military experience will gobble it up.

You have that military experience?
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Of course. He knows his audience, knows their triggers, and plays on them like a virtuoso violinist in concert.

I bet his military viewers will roll their eyes, but you know the rank and file without military experience will gobble it up.

He's always the drum major in the outrage parade.
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I just wonder what will happen to military members who refuse. Court martial?

Also, don't be surprised if vaccine mandates are extended to everyone else in the near future. They're going to force everyone to get it one way or the other.
currently vaccines are voluntary in the military when they are only at EUA as the Rona shot is today. Once they have FDA approval the military can mandate them by their own procedures which is pretty much what any ex service or military brat will tell you they mandate them.

The current vaccination rates seem to track a tad better than the rest of the country.

So why not just get the FDA approval done and let the military handle it like they normal do. Why go to the trouble to force the issue?
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In the Vietnam era we got three at a time every other week in basic. I don't remember them asking if I wanted to opt out.

They did ask your permission as they dropped agent Orange on you either.

Now soldiers like my uncle have chronic issues from it.
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I just wonder what will happen to military members who refuse. Court martial?

Also, don't be surprised if vaccine mandates are extended to everyone else in the near future. They're going to force everyone to get it one way or the other.
They can’t force you to get it. But they can make your life miserable if you don’t. Freedom!
Agent orange caused issues that will affect generations in multiple countries, including the US

caused mainly by British and us governments that place very little importance on singular human life and focus heavily on the larger will of the people jazz.

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