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I am convinced Te'o was duped.
Manti Te'o acknowledges lying in first TV interview - ESPN
If Te'o had been part of this scheme, there wouldn't be 100s of hours of phone calls.
I suppose he could have dialed a number and then left the phone on for a long time to create a trail in the phone records, but that seems way too diabolical to be true.
Along with how shocking it is that he was duped for so long, I can't believe the perpetrator(s) maintained their own interest in this to that degree. They apparently had nothing better to do for several hours per night for four months than to dupe someone, with no tangible gain.
This story is crazy.
EDIT: When I posted this, the link's title referred to Te'o interview, but the link takes you to the ESPN story about the phone records.
I still don't buy what he is trying to sell.
I mean really. Naive is too light of a word. This guy takes the cake for guileless moron of the decade.
Agreed. I'll buy that he was duped to begin with, but the tweets and the fact that he was speaking to a dude pretending to be a girl must have given him a cause for skepticism at some point.
He definitely played up the significance of his relationship in front of the cameras, and I think he had cause to know something was wrong but was more concerned with the publicity he was getting.
Unless he's hiding a gay relationship, and I'm not going to speculate on that any further, I don't see why it's hard for anyone to believe at this point that he was duped. He may have also lied about seeing her. But, you don't talk to someone for 100s of hours like that just to pretend. Te'o didn't need to privately spend 110 minutes on the phone in a single call, for example, to publicly convince someone else that he had a g/f. He would just say so. It's not like they spent all those hours chatting about how they were going to dupe the world together.
It's not hard to start a phone call and not actually be talking the whole time. All you have to do is lay the phone down and go about your business.
Heck, he said all along that he and "Lennay" slept on the phone w/ one another.
I did suggest in my previous post that he could have done exactly that - made the call and then left the phone on to create a trail in the phone records. That just seems too extreme/diabolical just to convince everyone of this story. It's possible that could have been part of a conspiracy. But, I'm having an easier time believing that Te'o was duped x 1000 than that he engaged in a consipracy that included 100s of hours of essentially fake/non-calls over a period of months.