Some comments by readers of the original Rubio interview that hit home. I will post more interesting ones later.
When people who have fled to the United States to escape oppressive, dictatorial regimes warn that America is beginning to resemble those other countries, people should open their eyes and pay attention to what's happening to America. You're not going to like what's coming, no matter what your politics. It's a bleak world.
True. But one thing no other nations in the world had, which is the 2nd Amendment, and it will be applied in full force, if necessary.
Some of the countries taken over by dictators, in particular Venezuela had the equivalent of 2A and had it taken away after their Supreme Court was packed. So far the left is following the Venezuela model.
And do you wonder why the democrats are trying so hard to destroy the 2nd Amendment? But even more than the 2nd Amendment is the American resolve. We won't throw away the sacrifices men and women have made to keep America the land of the brave and the home of the free.
I wonder what the ratio is of people leave South America to North America and vice versa. Of the few people I've met that came here legally (although I didn't verify that) from Venezuela, they think we're crazy to ever want bigger government or anything that resembles Socialism which becomes Communism. All promises are empty and its clear to them the Democrats are Communists. Nothing gets more equal, you get promised everything, taxed to death for nothing and there is no sizable middle class, only super elites and the poor. America is in big trouble with this radical admin of well known racists running the show.
Rubio has called it. I've been saying this for a couple of years now. The school board meetings were the very, very tip of the iceberg of the federal government setting their sights on everyday Americans. Either we defend Trump, and others, now or who will be left to defend you or I? How many of us have sat on our hands as they have arrested people like Flynn, Bannon or Manafort? You see what has happened to them? Do you think you or I even have a chance? Ask the folks sitting in jail for nearly two years for walking into the capitol building what our chances are.
My guess, if they do a similar raid in the future (because they are obviously going to get away with this), is in Texas against our State Reps in the State Legislature or against Governor Abbott. I have come to this conclusion because the DOJ is currently investigating Texas over "Civil Rights Violations" related to Operation Lone Star. That could be their way of taking down the operation and opening the border completely.
I am not surprised at anything the FBI does these days. They are nothing more than a corrupt political arm of the Justice Department. I am yet to see nor hear any evidence that Trump was directly involved in the January 6 insurrection. The people who need to be punished are facing their fate in the federal courts. This is nothing more than political theater in an attempt to prevent Trump from seeking a second term as president and to make Biden look like he is actually doing something for the nation.
“Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.” Thomas Jefferson