lol. Stop with the child remark. Get off your high horse. AOC has embarrassed this country just as much as MTG. Put them both together and they have the IQ of a garden slug. You are a progressive. That automatically makes you biased and incapable of offering unbiased criticism. Especially to your chose party members. Please stop with your oh I am not a Republican or Democrat lie. You are a hardcore liberal.
At least own your idiocy.
My high horse? I ride a Shetland pony, being height shy when not fully peyoted. Me, a progressive? You're right, though I have a cotton soft spot for old-fashioned ways, I don't object to progressive scientific endeavors. You know, like space exploration, gene splicing, A.I. applications for the medical field, robots as household aids for the disabled, and reforesting overharvested woodlands. So you got me, Slick, I'm progressive. I'm not a liberal, the proper label for me would be a centralist. I voted Reagan because I believed he was the right choice for counter balancing Russia's aggression and Iran's ambitions at the time. I voted for Clinton I believed he would (and did) give our economy the spark it needed at the time. I voted for Bush in both cases for similar reasons I voted for Reagan. I voted for Obama because [
drum roll] though I preferred McCain, I KNEW his running mate Sarah Palin was nothing more than a harbinger version of Lustful Lauren Boebert. Even McCain's campaign staff came to resent both her and her family. I liked McCain, but couldn't stand that woman, as it was so clear that what passed for a brain in her head, wasn't at home.
I picked Bitten only after leaning Trump-ward. This really irked MANY of my friends. See, I figured a businessman as Prez was a dadgum good idea. But then, but then he got into puzzy pulling. Cozying up with known hate groups,, advocating police violence outside the parameters of the law. But the biggest two things were: (1) His lack of respect for his wife.
(2) His appearance in
The family where he refuses to admit he makes mistakes to ducking the question of whether he accepts Jesus. This when I Knew he was a man without character, and between him and Bitten, the greater evil.
BOT, baby, I don't like MTG, she's a loudmouthed blonde dumbshell. As for AOC, I'm coming to perceive her as too catty. See, I watch and listen to politicians, but trust none of them. I just go with what seems the lesser evil. I don't let a party membership dictate what I think or how I vote, I make my own choices, and don't give a dayum what anyone else thinks bout my choices.