Mark Levin: despicable human being, or just an idiot?


This beyond the pale. See in particular his lies about Blitzer's family in the Holocaust.

But watch his ratings go up with the remarkably uninformed Fox viewers. They'd rather listen to people they know are lying to them - as long as it's against one of their hated targets-- than think for themselves.
Since when does a WH speak on behalf of a news agency?

Fact is, your President funded Hamas.
Right-wing podcasters/talk-show hosts are all genuine idiots and crackpots--fact. They make ridiculous, false or offensive comments constantly. They talk stupid to stupid people who like stupid.

This beyond the pale. See in particular his lies about Blitzer's family in the Holocaust.

But watch his ratings go up with the remarkably uninformed Fox viewers. They'd rather listen to people they know are lying to them - as long as it's against one of their hated targets-- than think for themselves.

Jack Hunter was a small-time radio guy/political commentator in SC and he criticized a Levin piece. Levin called his radio station, which was an affiliate of Levin broadcasts, and tried to have him fired. He's a POS
No one defending his comments ?

Why do I need to defend his comments? They're his comments, not mine. Some things he says I agree with, some I don't. That goes for a lot of people. As to why he misspoke about Wolf's family, I can't say
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Right-wing podcasters/talk-show hosts are all genuine idiots and crackpots--fact. They make ridiculous, false or offensive comments constantly. They talk stupid to stupid people who like stupid.
Remember when Alan Colmes put forth the absurd notion that Sarah Palin caused her son’s Down Syndrome by not going to the hospital when her water broke?

Left wing radio hosts are just as, if not more, bombastic, inaccurate and inflammatory as right wingers.

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