First, why do people always bring up players from the past? If you havent noticed the change, Football players are getting bigger, stronger and faster every year. So trying to compare him to a Legend is stupid. Jerry Rice was amazing in his time but if he came out of college right now I would bet anything he would not be the WR he was then. He benefited from a perfect offense and a great QB. So I could care less what 40 Rice, or any other former WR ran, its not the same game they used to play. Jerry Rice playing today would be another Wes Welker or Derrick Mason. Good players but not great.
Second, are you serious? Scott was never made for football, he was a track guy 100%.
What did Crabtree run? Calvin Johnson? Randy Moss? Larry Fitzgerald? Terrell Owens?
Bottom line speed kills and the faster the better. To think otherwise for a WR is foolish.