Marquez North Personal Record

Well, VB drank from CUM Kool-Aid jar >> because of the game he played naming UT as the leading team RIGHT BEFORE HE SIGN LOI with Ohio state...yeah I remember...he maybe good but miss the opportunity..Im sure he is long necking back into orange country with all of the NEGA CUM media they are getting.

That's sounds disgusting...
Well, VB drank from CUM Kool-Aid jar >> because of the game he played naming UT as the leading team RIGHT BEFORE HE SIGN LOI with Ohio state...yeah I remember...he maybe good but miss the opportunity..Im sure he is long necking back into orange country with all of the NEGA CUM media they are getting.

Thank you for not spelling out his no. That guy makes me sick. Ohio state in general makes me sick. I saw their schedule the other day. Holy sh**. They play teams I've never heard. All seriousness...if we played their schedule we could be playing in a bcs bowl this year!
Thank you for not spelling out his no. That guy makes me sick. Ohio state in general makes me sick. I saw their schedule the other day. Holy sh**. They play teams I've never heard. All seriousness...if we played their schedule we could be playing in a bcs bowl this year!

If they get to play an SEC team in a bowl game, they will again realize they will still be seeking their first bowl victory against an SEC team.
I believe you're wrong. He wasn't committed. CBJ came calling. He liked CBJ and wanted to come to the UT. But he was smart (at the time) and stated two things. He'd been courted by Meyer for a while and had a relationship. He knew him better than Jones and felt comfortable with Meyer. The other thing he said was that good players need a good supporting cast to play championship level. You know what? He's right. Tennessee didn't look like it fit the bill. The decision he made at the time actually makes perfect sense. I believe he has already signed with OSU. If his recruiting process was still ongoing, I have little doubt he'd come to Tennessee having seen what Jones is doing now. But at the time, who can fault him for thinking the UT was in yet another new coach mess? I do suggest you cease badmouthing the kid just because he made a decision that wasn't to your liking. Far as I know, he hasn't said one disparaging word against either you or our UT.

I have a problem with VB saying he was a life long Vol fan and then pulling the trigger to join that a$$wipe up in Columbus.
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I have a problem with VB saying he was a life long Vol fan and then pulling the trigger to join that a$$wipe up in Columbus.

Obviously, you opt to shut your eyes to the explanation of why VB made the decision he did at the time. If I loved working for Chevrolet (actually, I do) and they were producing crappy cars that weren't selling. And Ford had been in my ear for the 2+ years I had been job training. And offered me $60,000 as starting salary for a company making hot selling cars. Then Chevrolet showed up in the last minute offering me $30,000, who do you think I'd opt to work for? It's like the song said, "Your love gives me such a thrill. But your love doesn't pay my bill."

At the time, Vols players weren't being drafted and few were making the pro ranks even as undrafted free agents. While OSU players were being drafted in noticeable numbers. You go where your chances of a future are better, especially when you're not White and can fall back on significant family money or guaranteed jobs if things don't work out for the best. A simple thank you for your service and promptly being forgotten and ignored when you need a job isn't enough. VB was just smart enough to understand this and you damn him for it? Typical of too many Vols fans who merely see players as just trained monkeys for their amusement. I wasn't happy and was even upset with his decision. But When I read his reasons for making that decision, it just made sense so I let it go.
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Stephen Hargis, columnist for the Chattanooga Times Free Press, wrote an excellent article entitled, "Home Improvement: Jones repairing relationships with TN high schools," in Rocky Top Tennessee, pp. 47-50. He made a number of observations regarding Bell's recruitment. According to his father, Tennessee was "dead in the water" when Butch assumed the reins for our program. He also said that "UT would've locked him up as a junior if they had recruited him at all." Unfortunately, Butch simply did not have enough time to overcome the advantages that Alabama and Ohio State had established in terms of relationships with Bell.

Bell's high school coach, Mark Mariakis, had glowing praise for Butch Jones and equally poignant criticism for Dooley's neglect of his program as a recruiting hotbed. In remarks eerily similar to Mike Tomlin's ringing endorsement of Butch, Mariakis said that he is so impressed with Butch Jones, his staff and the direction that our program is headed, that he "wouldn't hesitate to send [his] own child" to play at UT.

Hargis provides an equally telling indictment of Dooley's "recruitment" of Jalen Hurd. Jalen's high school coach, Anthony Crabtree, said that he never met Dooley and only spoke to him once, when he called Dooley to inquire as to whether Tennessee had any interest in recruiting Hurd. He found it mindboggling that we had a five-star running back instate, one that was being recruited heavily by Alabama, Ohio State and virtually every major program in the country, but Tennessee had demonstrated no overt interest in him.
I've heard these tactics of fostering a team mentality and creating a competitive environment referred to as "gimmicks" not just by nega-Vols, but fans across the country of various programs.

I think these are VISIONARY tactics. Butch Jones has got some AMAZING ideas. The whole earning the orange stripes for frosh, earning the orange jerseys, Brick by Brick, ringing the bell, having players research what Vol greats had the number they wear before them, reaching out to alumni-----Butch Jones has got the right idea in establishing tradition, competition, and I am absolutely pleased with having this man as our coach.

I haven't been this excited for a long time for the season to start. I am not expecting perfection, but I am extremely optimistic about the future of my beloved University of Tennessee football program. I hope these great ideas translate to on the field success, and I believe they will.

All in for Coach Butch Jones.
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I've heard these tactics of fostering a team mentality and creating a competitive environment referred to as "gimmicks" not just by nega-Vols, but fans across the country of various programs.

I think these are VISIONARY tactics. Butch Jones has got some AMAZING ideas. The whole earning the orange stripes for frosh, earning the orange jerseys, Brick by Brick, ringing the bell, having players research what Vol greats had the number they wear before them, reaching out to alumni-----Butch Jones has got the right idea in establishing tradition, competition, and I am absolutely pleased with having this man as our coach.

I haven't been this excited for a long time for the season to start. I am not expecting perfection, but I am extremely optimistic about the future of my beloved University of Tennessee football program. I hope these great ideas translate to on the field success, and I believe they will.

All in for Coach Butch Jones.

Pardon me for invoking the following metaphor but, given your username, I simply could not resist. I agree with your assessment of Butch's motivational strategies; they are not gimmicks. It would not surprise me if Butch is channeling the spirit of Neyland, for his strategies smack heavily of military efforts to establish unit cohesion and esprit de corps.
Obviously, you opt to shut your eyes to the explanation of why VB made the decision he did at the time. If I loved working for Chevrolet (actually, I do) and they were producing crappy cars that weren't selling. And Ford had been in my ear for the 2+ years I had been job training. And offered me $60,000 as starting salary for a company making hot selling cars. Then Chevrolet showed up in the last minute offering me $30,000, who do you think I'd opt to work for? It's like the song said, "Your love gives me such a thrill. But your love doesn't pay my bill."

At the time, Vols players weren't being drafted and few were making the pro ranks even as undrafted free agents. While OSU players were being drafted in noticeable numbers. You go where your chances of a future are better, especially when you're not White and can fall back on significant family money or guaranteed jobs if things don't work out for the best. A simple thank you for your service and promptly being forgotten and ignored when you need a job isn't enough. VB was just smart enough to understand this and you damn him for it? Typical of too many Vols fans who merely see players as just trained monkeys for their amusement. I wasn't happy and was even upset with his decision. But When I read his reasons for making that decision, it just made sense so I let it go.

Trained monkeys ? Guaranteed jobs,significant family money to fall back on IF YOU ARE WHITE ??? Really Dude ??? I thought being drafted to the NFL was based on merit,not which school one attended. I wasn't aware that the NFL snubs players coming out of UT. Wasn't 2 out of the top 10 pro bowlers from The Hill ? VB stated he was a life long UT fan ... and signs with OSU . I don't see the allegiance here. I guess by your standards you could drop the longtime love of your life and go hook up with some rich chick and never look back... :hmm:
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Trained monkeys ? Guaranteed jobs,significant family money to fall back on IF YOU ARE WHITE ??? Really Dude ??? I thought being drafted to the NFL was based on merit,not which school one attended. I wasn't aware that the NFL snubs players coming out of UT. Wasn't 2 out of the top 10 pro bowlers from The Hill ? VB stated he was a life long UT fan ... and signs with OSU . I don't see the allegiance here. I guess by your standards you could drop the longtime love of your life and go hook up with some rich chick and never look back... :hmm:

Since you want to compare VB's decision with the love of my life, we'll do that. There was this girl. Knew her since we were in elementary. Beautiful gal. My pal, and we were always together, always. Right up to entering high school. Then in high school, she started hanging with Kiffins and Dooleys, darn, I mean a loser crowd. Got involved in dead end stuff I knew to stay away from. I tried to get her away from those losers repeatedly. Didn't work. Kept trying, though right up until I got a scholarship which she could have to but threw those sharp brains away instead of aiming for college.

Saw her several times during home visits. Still had a hot spot for her in my heart despite family telling me she had gone bad and to let her go. I didn't want to. Senior year, got another scholarship, this time for grad school way, way, way out west. Experiences led to me becoming aware of reservations that while the folks weren't from my tribe, were welcoming. Met my Shirley, rather she met me. This Xena sized Kiowa cutie, while sweet as pawpaw pie, aggressively made it clear I was hers.

Visited me often on campus and I warmed up to this goddess and found indeed I was hers. She made me laugh. She was loyal to a fault at times. People just loved her and it's mutual. She always finds ways to help somebody out. I was going to propose but she beat me to it and I accepted. No really, that's how it happened! Graduated, went home to visit and for the family to meet Shirley. They loved her of course but they had a message for me. My old flame wanted to talk and that a lot had changed.

I went over, a lot had changed. She was (gasp!) attending TTU and would get her B.S. the next semester. Had a loan she could forgo paying back if she completed a masters in math and accepted either a faculty or teacher position within the state.

She had dumped her old gang, was attending church. Hoped that we could rediscover each other. But I was committed to Shirley and not unhappy about it. Though to this day, I harbor feelings for my first love. BUT I would never give Shirley up for anybody, nobody, no how, any time, ever. Have no idea how I got so lucky to marry a woman like her. But some folks in my hometown had harsh words for my decision even now decades later. HARSH words. Yes, my old flame was the love of my life, but things just didn't work out. However, according to you, I should dump Shirley and run into my old flame's arms. Great advice, man, great advice! :jpshakehead:

VB made his choice for HIS not YOUR reasons. Let it go. He certainly isn't grudging you for being a UT rather than an OSU fan. So you're butt hurt, so am I and many other fans. What to do? Focus on players that came to our beloved UT and forget VB. It seems for you, that's impossible. I can only say I'm sorry for you. But you know, staying butt hurt about VB's decision is YOUR decision. Me? I'm moving one. So is my Shirley who I infected with Tennessee Volunteers transmode virus. Her blood became orange. The rare times she cries, her tears are orange. I never inspected it nor asked her about it, but I suspect she pisses and shets orange. Was she aware of the VB thing? Yes. Today, I asked her if she recalled VB, the guy who shunned CBJ for OSU. Her response, "Who?" Maybe you should try that.
Since you want to compare VB's decision with the love of my life, we'll do that. There was this girl. Knew her since we were in elementary. Beautiful gal. My pal, and we were always together, always. Right up to entering high school. Then in high school, she started hanging with Kiffins and Dooleys, darn, I mean a loser crowd. Got involved in dead end stuff I knew to stay away from. I tried to get her away from those losers repeatedly. Didn't work. Kept trying, though right up until I got a scholarship which she could have to but threw those sharp brains away instead of aiming for college.

Saw her several times during home visits. Still had a hot spot for her in my heart despite family telling me she had gone bad and to let her go. I didn't want to. Senior year, got another scholarship, this time for grad school way, way, way out west. Experiences led to me becoming aware of reservations that while the folks weren't from my tribe, were welcoming. Met my Shirley, rather she met me. This Xena sized Kiowa cutie, while sweet as pawpaw pie, aggressively made it clear I was hers.

Visited me often on campus and I warmed up to this goddess and found indeed I was hers. She made me laugh. She was loyal to a fault at times. People just loved her and it's mutual. She always finds ways to help somebody out. I was going to propose but she beat me to it and I accepted. No really, that's how it happened! Graduated, went home to visit and for the family to meet Shirley. They loved her of course but they had a message for me. My old flame wanted to talk and that a lot had changed.

I went over, a lot had changed. She was (gasp!) attending TTU and would get her B.S. the next semester. Had a loan she could forgo paying back if she completed a masters in math and accepted either a faculty or teacher position within the state.

She had dumped her old gang, was attending church. Hoped that we could rediscover each other. But I was committed to Shirley and not unhappy about it. Though to this day, I harbor feelings for my first love. BUT I would never give Shirley up for anybody, nobody, no how, any time, ever. Have no idea how I got so lucky to marry a woman like her. But some folks in my hometown had harsh words for my decision even now decades later. HARSH words. Yes, my old flame was the love of my life, but things just didn't work out. However, according to you, I should dump Shirley and run into my old flame's arms. Great advice, man, great advice! :jpshakehead:

VB made his choice for HIS not YOUR reasons. Let it go. He certainly isn't grudging you for being a UT rather than an OSU fan. So you're butt hurt, so am I and many other fans. What to do? Focus on players that came to our beloved UT and forget VB. It seems for you, that's impossible. I can only say I'm sorry for you. But you know, staying butt hurt about VB's decision is YOUR decision. Me? I'm moving one. So is my Shirley who I infected with Tennessee Volunteers transmode virus. Her blood became orange. The rare times she cries, her tears are orange. I never inspected it nor asked her about it, but I suspect she pisses and shets orange. Was she aware of the VB thing? Yes. Today, I asked her if she recalled VB, the guy who shunned CBJ for OSU. Her response, "Who?" Maybe you should try that.

:yikes: sorry man ... not reading all this. have a good one and GO VOLS.

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