Marxist Black Lives Matter

Man it must suck to live in the south a feel like 75% of the population wanted the opposite things that you do for our society....even with the fictional "imagined intellectual superiority" of liberals and the ever present elitist " I know what's best for everyone" smug snarkiness of the left. It looks even more appealing when the hypocrisy of " good for thee, not for me" rears its predictably ugly head.

I think you're off with your numbers though honestly, I do not know a single liberal adult that honestly believes in any of the BS the BLM and Denocrats have latched on to these days such as socialism and defunding the police. I see and speak with quite a few people between work and church, kids sports, etc . I do know of and have worked for several rich "kept women " who lived in 500k plus houses and didnt work, even though they had no kids at home during the day, who were married to rich, bald, out of shape banker looking guys (most of which actually were, Charlotte is HQ for 2 of 3 biggest banks in US) they were liberals. Their white guilt from sitting on their azzes all day while I remodeled their homes, riding around in the Benz SUV spending all their much older husbands money, and undoubtably banging their "personal trainers" and getting caught repeatedly looking at my fit self was just too much for them to handle. They were almost always liberals...once again, spending OTHER peoples money...their sugar daddy 45 to 50yo husband that didnt lose his virginity until he was 26 and made his 1st half know, his money.

That liberalism disease runs rampant on the "old money" side of town. Also sadly among minorities... the "new money" rich all have big boats and actually do boat parades here....for Trump. Alas, as far as full grown adult white people, post college when they have a clue, the only ones I have ever been around much were those "kept women" with their "white guilt". Not a single member of my church admits to being a liberal...200 or so members but 100 that actually show up all the time. Not a single idiot among those I work with either as far as I know..hell the project super I am teamed up with SHOWS me videos of the Hodgetwins...none of the other folks like me in charge admit to being liberals either...

Just dont think the liberal and socialist ideas of redistribution of income translates to people who work their butts off for what they have like me and most of us here. That's a baseline, long standing "No" to Democrats. Then yall brought in all the really dumb stuff like man made global warming, the LGBTQ and pedo agendas, now defunding police (actually THE dumbest idea since socialism), trying to force all white people to feel guilty and apologize for slaves they never had...and 90% or mores ANCESTORS never had...the Democratic party is just slam full of terrible ideas, failed ideologies, and any sense of personal responsibility. Most adults who have had to work hard for what little or lot they may have just want no part of that crap. Only the ignorant youth, mostly college kids or younger, operate based on feelings instead of facts...and therefore are gullible enough to be Liberals. Oh, and those kept women. They were usually 30yo or less though, only their husbands were 45 to 50.

Gotta suck being a liberal in the South though. Maybe you folks would be happier in 1 of those liberal sheitholes full of riots and looting right now...after all, yall made them what they are...and in EVERY case in the US those cities have liberal control.

Happy trails.
their sugar daddy 45 to 50yo husband that didnt lose his virginity until he was 26 and made his 1st half million.🤔😁😆
I think you hit the nail on the head

He didn't mean to kick the toddler. He meant to kick the pregnant woman with the baby still in the womb. That's better somehow. And pointing it out that I'm a failure as a mother will result in me sending my failure as a husband/father to continue the endless cycle of violence we've taught our son to repeat against women and children.
View attachment 294022

He didn't mean to kick the toddler. He meant to kick the pregnant woman with the baby still in the womb. That's better somehow. And pointing it out that I'm a failure as a mother will result in me sending my failure as a husband/father to continue the endless cycle of violence we've taught our son to repeat against women and children.
And unborn children
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View attachment 294022

He didn't mean to kick the toddler. He meant to kick the pregnant woman with the baby still in the womb. That's better somehow. And pointing it out that I'm a failure as a mother will result in me sending my failure as a husband/father to continue the endless cycle of violence we've taught our son to repeat against women and children.
wouldnt bother me if a cop shot that trash -- his life doesnt matter
What kind of places do you hang out in? I have never had a knife pulled on me, I haven't been in a fight since 6th grade. Anybody that hits me is gonna lose their trailer and will be forking over a significant part of their paycheck to me. Physical violence is a loser. I'll take your money using the law.... and if you have no money, you can sit in jail for awhile.
I'm always intrigued about how adults get into fights. Usually a combination of low intelligence and alcohol and drugs are involved. They make great video on the internet! The last fight I was in was with a black kid in middle school that was part of the whole "bus em in" program in Knox County. I remember getting suspended for 3 days for beating his ass in the lunchroom in front of everyone until the school found out he tried to come at me first. I had annihilated him in dodge ball earlier in the day and embarrassed him in front of the gym class. I still remember my parents showing up to talk to the principal with his parent, and his parent didnt show. lol.

I also remember how bad my hand hurt and that TV was full of sh!t when it came to fights.
What does another video of a random fight have to do with BLM?


This deflection from the real issues that racists are trying to use doesn't work. This has zero to do with BLM.

Nice try.

Don't start crap them claim victim. If you start something be prepared for the consequences.

Do you apply this logic to committing crimes, resisting arrest, punching police officers, stealing their tasers and then trying to shoot the officers with said taser? Like you said, “don’t start crap and then claim victim. Be prepared for the consequences”.
She did put her hands on the black girl first, but damn.... how many jumped her?

Let me make this absolutely 100% clear:

Have posted many times a real man doesnt hit a woman. There are very very few exceptions to that. I never have, and have been club punched by several with haymaker...

This is different. As always, dont care what color your skin is. If 4, 6, 10 or more like this seemed to be jump on my wife or daughter...I would not have shown the restraint he did. I would have taken the front teeth of 1 , 2 or as many as I needed to until this pack of animals attention was on the girls sleeping on the floor bleeding from the mouths rather than attempting to harm me or my wife/ daughter. I can take as many punches as necessary from those skinny little chicks and not respond physically. My wife, the 120lb mother of my kids, was not built for that . Never stand by and watch people beat up a woman. Any woman. Not just mine. This country sucks right now
Yet more white supremacy. I love how this stuff is happening in front of children. Yet silence from the BLM crowd. I guess it’s fine because it’s a white woman being attacked. If this were a black mom getting attacked, there would be riots and calls of racism. These people are human trash.


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