Stop!!! No mas! This is NOT about left/right anymore. This concerns a certain set of ahistorical degenerates (deplorables if one were apt to use the term of the one of the worst presidential candidates [by a mile - Bush the 2nd, Buchanan, Pierce,
Fillmore, Johnson, Harding et. the running]) but the b**** was not elected ..right? . But any thinking man should conclude this yankee man from Queens is not fit for any job. This business is becoming serious. I would like to pose a question?
Why did Fred Hampton get shot ? And this may relate to every wannabe bourgeois or in reality 1st -2nd -3 generation "white trash" posters on this board....i was born 15 miles from the Appalachian trail. In greene county.. .most of my forebears were respectable/precariously poor until my grandfather went to WW2 and had the wherewithal to see that an education was a leg up...these 'guvmint' programs ('TVA which apparently provided my great grandmother LIGHT ) ....GI Bill ..low interest loans to buy a home...what was college tuition in 1970 or 1980 ??...i dare anyone to look these nunbers up.....this was a reflection of democracy....largely excluding black people.....make america great again...............................