Harvard is the best at putting out these cookie-cut lunatics...
It is a breading ground of uppity and over inflated in every sense of the word.
One of my closest life long friends turned into a liberal of massive proportion, which is easy to do when you live a life of real privilege and fostered admiration from the idiot masses who actually believe you are somehow special because you went to Haaarvard. He is 43 and still carries his Harvard student ID in his wallet......think that is a little odd.....it is, but, common place for people so up their own arses and believing that they are somehow anointed or deserving of being viewed as "special". I love the guy, but, he believes he is above most and I always bust his balls as I made a lot more than he has earned, he earns a lot, and I'm retired and have been for years, he's still working, and I went to UT (and Kellogg), him Harvard (and Booth).
The only thing special about any Ivy League school is the cost, and the people you meet there. All the other stuff is fluff, the endowments, teachers, class size, a book is a book, physics is physics, finance is finance, etc.
You are paying for the illusion, of/for what the perception allows......which is instant sheep mentality of somehow you are more special because of your piece of paper. Matters not a bit, except for the relationships you get at these places. As, for the most part, they are still finishing schools for the top 1%. Nothing more than the current mold of a good old boys network or club.
But, there are tons of incredibly intelligent and decent and normal types, too.