So any so called white dominated country?
Right. So the US, and the few countries abroad that are all 80 to 90% white. Didnt include and Latin American , African, or Asian countries either. Pretty racist world view there bud. Not 1 of those countries has the freedom of speech, right to bear arms, or available cheap land by the millions of acres that the US has.... I seriously doubt they have all the small business resources, top universities, and upward mobility that the US has either...and absolutely NONE of them have a military to protect its citizens and their property like we have . None.
ANY man who is willing to stay out of trouble and work hard can have their own home, modern conveniences, and raise a family in this country. ANY MAN. Thomas Sowell is a black man from my county whose entire childhood was lived before the Civil Rights Movement...who actually experienced REAL RACISM like none of the pussboys in this thread have ever encountered, and HE says all of the degenerates out rioting and crying about their feels are complete morons. If HE can make it to be a rich educated black man coming from BFE North Carolina, there is absolutely ZERO excuse for the rest of you failures. If your life still sucks its because you suck. Look in the mirror and make the changes necessary to succeed. NoBODY else is going to do it for you. The cavalry isnt coming. Man up, or shut up.
I came from a poor, mixed race family. We worked hard for everything we have. Me, my white sister, and my 2 black sisters have all worked hard and made our way in this sin cursed world. All of us. If we can do it, then anyone can. Quit crying about what other people do and work hard to improve yourself and your station in life. Quit trying to divide our country on racist lines. Plenty of families like mine that arent racist are sick and tired of your bullsheit. Sick. And. Tired .
Love this country or get the Hell out. Dont think that you are gonna destroy it though and remake it in some socialist/communist sheitshow. We will not sit back and watch you do it. I know many people like me who are pissed off about all this BS lately. Keep pushing all this BS and see what happens. Blood will be spilled. If you do not already know which demographic and ideology holds all the weapons and ability to wage war....then I suggest you educate yourselves.
99% of people just want to be left the Hell alone. Keep pushing though. See what happens