Media Wars

Rep. Jim Jordan

HUNDREDS of secret reports show how
@DHSgov’s @CISAgov, The GEC (@StateDept), @Stanford and others worked together to censor AMERICANS before the 2020 election, including true information, jokes, and opinions.

The federal government, disinformation “experts” at universities, Big Tech, and others worked together through the Election Integrity Partnership to monitor & censor Americans’ speech.

According to one EIP member, the EIP was created “at the request of CISA.”

The head of the EIP also said that EIP was created after “working on some monitoring ideas with CISA.”

Here’s how it worked:

-EIP “stakeholders” (including the federal gov’t) would submit misinformation reports

-EIP would “analyze” the report and find similar content across platforms

-EIP would submit the report to Big Tech, often with a recommendation on how to censor

@JudiciaryGOP & @Weaponization obtained these nonpublic documents and information from @Stanford only after the threat of contempt.

You can read all the details in the report here:

Who was targeted? Americans of all political stripes, but especially conservatives:















nd it didn’t stop there, here are some more accounts that were targeted:









What speech was targeted for censorship?

-True information
-Political opinions
Rep. Jim Jordan

HUNDREDS of secret reports show how
@DHSgov’s @CISAgov, The GEC (@StateDept), @Stanford and others worked together to censor AMERICANS before the 2020 election, including true information, jokes, and opinions.

The federal government, disinformation “experts” at universities, Big Tech, and others worked together through the Election Integrity Partnership to monitor & censor Americans’ speech.

According to one EIP member, the EIP was created “at the request of CISA.”

The head of the EIP also said that EIP was created after “working on some monitoring ideas with CISA.”

Here’s how it worked:

-EIP “stakeholders” (including the federal gov’t) would submit misinformation reports

-EIP would “analyze” the report and find similar content across platforms

-EIP would submit the report to Big Tech, often with a recommendation on how to censor

@JudiciaryGOP & @Weaponization obtained these nonpublic documents and information from @Stanford only after the threat of contempt.

You can read all the details in the report here:

Who was targeted? Americans of all political stripes, but especially conservatives:















nd it didn’t stop there, here are some more accounts that were targeted:









What speech was targeted for censorship?

-True information
-Political opinions

Seems like with all of the "bombshells" that have been dropped lately DC would be a crater.
Seems like with all of the "bombshells" that have been dropped lately DC would be a crater.

This is disgusting. But I’ll be waiting for the the free and private companies argument. This is government censorship ala the communist model.

The problem is apathy of the people. That along with half the country being ok with it.
Here’s some typical CNN reporting
From the article:
And on Saturday, Trump vowed to sign an executive order, on Day 1 of a potential second term, to cease funding the provision of shelter and transportation for undocumented immigrants, saying at a rally in New Hampshire that he would redirect a portion of the savings toward “shelter and treatment for our own homeless veterans.”

He also claimed, without evidence, that President Joe Biden has spent more than $1 million to put undocumented immigrants in “some of the most luxurious hotels in the country.” 🤔
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This is Las Vegas where recently a white man was intentionally hit by a car while riding a bicycle. Now this. Waiting on cnn, nyt, wapo, or msnbc to provide more details.


"First and foremost, don’t be fooled by trite propaganda masquerading as studies.

Journalists,[1] commentators,[2] and so-called fact-checkers[3] often treat the opinions of selected “experts” as if they were scientific studies, and politicians use the phrase “science says” like it magically turns mere claims into facts.[4]

Such misuse of the word “science” has been a longstanding problem. As the renowned physicist Richard Feynman remarked more than half a century ago, “When someone says, ‘Science teaches such and such,’ he is using the word incorrectly.” When people discuss actual science, they don’t “say science has shown”—but “this experiment, this effect, has shown.”[5]
Wife had The View on this morning and I heard some of them talking. They were complaining about how Fox is biased towards Republicans and Trump how journalists shouldn’t show any favoritism. I laughed.

Also one said the Biden has brought back dignity and respect to the presidency. Another talking about voting rights said in some southern states it’s almost impossible for blacks to vote.
I mean, how could you possibly support Trump. Look at his past of imprisoning, executing and driving his enemies from the country.

This kind of propaganda actually makes me want to vote for….Trump.

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This reporter falls into the typical lazy reporting when she says that he said so and so. No he said media reports...

We see similar things here and other places on the net. I'll say something like "Reuters is reporting A, B and C" and give the link. If that report turns out to be wrong, someone of a different persuasion will say "Sea Ray said A, B, C". That is incorrect. Reporters like this gal need to be more accurate
So many clowns, not enough red noses to go around.

But you're MAGA! America's clown people! You attacked the U,S. Capitol--and then got thrown in prison---for being so stupid as to
believe a con man/gangster spewing self-serving lies. An attack that he incited, and that got people killed. Clowns?
But you're MAGA! America's clown people! You attacked the U,S. Capitol--and then got thrown in prison---for being so stupid as to
believe a con man/gangster spewing self-serving lies. An attack that he incited, and that got people killed. Clowns?
Triggered 🤡
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This reporter falls into the typical lazy reporting when she says that he said so and so. No he said media reports...

We see similar things here and other places on the net. I'll say something like "Reuters is reporting A, B and C" and give the link. If that report turns out to be wrong, someone of a different persuasion will say "Sea Ray said A, B, C". That is incorrect. Reporters like this gal need to be more accurate
She’s questioning whether or not it is responsible or appropriate to tell the truth. This is journalism in 2023.

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