Miami Heat coach at practice today!

Might be a good plan to be comfortable in their own skin----first. That's the statement I read in all that. "I'm a little insecure, so I'll compensate by covering it up with this body "art". "makes me look confident; and tough---huh?"
Kinda like a boob job---Faked herself out. Ah well, I digress. Bring on the pigskin.

That's fine if you don't like tatoos. They aren't for everyone, including me. I don't have any but it doesn't mean you should judge someone because they choose to have tattoos.
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Hate the heat. But it doesn't hurt bringing in a championship coach from a high profile team. Good for publicity also.
Not just a championship coach, but back to back championships. People can say "well, that's just because Lebron and Wade are on the same team." Nothing is stopping every other team from acquiring 2 all star players. And who is to say that he wasn't behind the whole idea to get those 2 together?

He deserves props for being the HC of a back to back NBA championship team
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Seems like it would be a plus that he's NBA and not NFL. Leaves the focus on a championship team/winning mentality instead of football. imo
I don't know if the "Heat" coach would be my first pick for a motivational speaker. I mean what kind of speech could he give ... "We in Miami worked hard to load the deck with the highest profiled players in the NBA, to bring a Championship to Miami ... you to can one day be like us. That is if you can get a team full of five and four stars. Looking at the current roster maybe not, but next year looks like a good start. Go Heat ... ummmm ... I mean Vols."
Might be a good plan to be comfortable in their own skin----first. That's the statement I read in all that. "I'm a little insecure, so I'll compensate by covering it up with this body "art". "makes me look confident; and tough---huh?"
Kinda like a boob job---Faked herself out. Ah well, I digress. Bring on the pigskin.

Irrelevant IMO... joke is a joke bro.
Not much to see here concerning the coach. Move along.

Butch is just close to getting a TE commitment that starts for the guys bball team. Info on the kid should be in the recruiting forums. Kid has 5 to play 4 iirc.
I don't know if the "Heat" coach would be my first pick for a motivational speaker. I mean what kind of speech could he give ... "We in Miami worked hard to load the deck with the highest profiled players in the NBA, to bring a Championship to Miami ... you to can one day be like us. That is if you can get a team full of five and four stars. Looking at the current roster maybe not, but next year looks like a good start. Go Heat ... ummmm ... I mean Vols."

As long as Butch heard that message, I would take the results.
Not just a championship coach, but back to back championships. People can say "well, that's just because Lebron and Wade are on the same team." Nothing is stopping every other team from acquiring 2 all star players. And who is to say that he wasn't behind the whole idea to get those 2 together?

He deserves props for being the HC of a back to back NBA championship team

Please, if this guy wants to prove himself as an elite coach, then he needs to win a title with average players like was done by ... uhhhh ... uhhhh ... uhhhh ... :ermm:
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Should have brought Le'Bron to play WR.

Ain't happening. BUT - if the Vols beat Oregon and upset Florida, expect to see several Heat players at the next home game, dragged along by their coach. No, I'm not joking.
Not just a championship coach, but back to back championships. People can say "well, that's just because Lebron and Wade are on the same team." Nothing is stopping every other team from acquiring 2 all star players. And who is to say that he wasn't behind the whole idea to get those 2 together?

He deserves props for being the HC of a back to back NBA championship team

he deserves jack.

and the nba is a shameful organization as it is. literally half of that league or more are playing to lose and pretty much admit it.

every analyst will tell you that a club is either competing for a championship or trying to clear cap space and get a high lottery pick.

in that league, you either win the free agency sweepstakes or the draft lottery sweepstakes (in the right year) or you are screwed. the coach is damn near meaningless.
That means an upset, also! That is my prediction! These guys are good (coaches)!:number1::number1::number1::number1::number1::number1::number1::number1::number1:
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So does this mean that our basketball teams absolutely hate Butch now? It's too bad they weren't at least invited, right? I wonder who Coach Martin is gonna bring in now!
Knock Spoelstra all you want these players are hyped about it and if it helps in some capacity so be it. Some of you negateers look for any and everything to put down if it doesn't fit your little world. The legend of Butch goes on hop on the train or go play the piano.
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