Michigan/ Utah

Guess I was wrong about Utah being able to stop them. I think that punt made a huge difference, pinning them deep in their own territory.
Threet and Sheridan both throw the ball high all day, even had too much air under it on deep balls.

"michigan has to have a couple stops here"
No kidding?
i still think the michigan kid looked pretty good today, he looks like he has a strong arm. he may be trouble in a couple of years, or maybe even next year.
Any day a Big10 team get's upset is a good day in my book.
lol nice play call.

A 10 yard pass over the middle with 4 seconds left and the game on the line? You have to assume they were trying to setup the hook and ladder or something like that.
He just needs a little time to get that program working. He should be fine up there.

Think he'll be ok too. But now he has to swim upstream after this game. His job got harder. But guess what, I don't care. He's paid too much not to deliver.

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