Migration Nightmares Hitting Europe

Do you deny that the vast majority of Muslim immigrants, here and in Europe, are peaceful and want nothing more than to become part of the new society in which they find themselves?

Dream on...

Immigration IS jihad.

The vast majority are peaceful.
The vast majority also believe Mohammed's prophecy that when the Mahdi comes The Sphere of Islam (Dar Al Islam) will cover the world and the Sphere of War (Dar Al Harb) will cease to exist.

Since we are not Muslim and so within Dar Al Islam, we are by definition dhimi, and exist in Dar Al Harb. They all believe it is WE, the dhimi, who will be assimilated. Sooner or later. In fact immigration is a recognized form of jihad. The whole earth is under a "1300 Year Jihad", whether by peaceful conversion, immigration, or conquering by the sword.


Most take a peaceful path of jihad. Others choose the sword.

Islam regularly teaches Five Pillars of Islam, but there are in fact seven.

Pillars in Islam « The Straight Way

..."6. The sixth pillar is the pillar of 'daawah' (invitation).
This is to invite people to Islam. Notice that Muslims do not teach this pillar. They just simply practice it, which is the opposite in Christianity. Christians teach and talk about evangelism but hardly practice it.

7. If Muslims practice the previous six pillars, they will still go to hell for a time because there is only one way to guarantee escaping hell. This is to practice pillar number seven, the pillar of 'jihad'. As Allah stated in Qur’an 3:169: And do not consider those who were killed for the sake of Allah as dead. Yet they are alive with their lord, receiving their provision,"...

✴..." and in Qur’an 9:20-21: Those who believed and emigrated and performed jihad for the sake of Allah with their money and with their lives of the highest degree with Allah, and those are the triumphant.✴

21Their lord gives them good news of mercy from himself and of his good pleasure and gardens; they will have in it everlasting bliss. Also in Qur’an 47:4-6: 4…And those who were killed for the sake of Allah, so he will not let their works go astray. 5He will guide them and reform their condition. 6And he will admit them into the garden of which he made known to them."...
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Dream on...

Immigration IS jihad.

The vast majority are peaceful.
The vast majority also believe Mohammed's prophecy that when the Mahdi comes The Sphere of Islam (Dar Al Islam) will cover the world and the Sphere of War (Dar Al Harb) will cease to exist.

Since we are not Muslim and so within Dar Al Islam, we are by definition dhimi, and exist in Dar Al Harb. They all believe it is WE, the dhimi, who will be assimilated. Sooner or later. In fact immigration is a recognized form of jihad. The whole earth is under a "1300 Year Jihad", whether by peaceful conversion, immigration, or conquering by the sword.


Most take a peaceful path of jihad. Others choose the sword.

Islam regularly teaches Five Pillars of Islam, but there are in fact seven.

Pillars in Islam « The Straight Way

..."6. The sixth pillar is the pillar of 'daawah' (invitation).
This is to invite people to Islam. Notice that Muslims do not teach this pillar. They just simply practice it, which is the opposite in Christianity. Christians teach and talk about evangelism but hardly practice it.

7. If Muslims practice the previous six pillars, they will still go to hell for a time because there is only one way to guarantee escaping hell. This is to practice pillar number seven, the pillar of 'jihad'. As Allah stated in Qur’an 3:169: And do not consider those who were killed for the sake of Allah as dead. Yet they are alive with their lord, receiving their provision,"...

✴..." and in Qur’an 9:20-21: Those who believed and emigrated and performed jihad for the sake of Allah with their money and with their lives of the highest degree with Allah, and those are the triumphant.✴

21Their lord gives them good news of mercy from himself and of his good pleasure and gardens; they will have in it everlasting bliss. Also in Qur’an 47:4-6: 4…And those who were killed for the sake of Allah, so he will not let their works go astray. 5He will guide them and reform their condition. 6And he will admit them into the garden of which he made known to them."...

Aren't you an engineer... or scientist... or something along those lines? Could have sworn I saw you posting in another one of these threads shooting down conspiracy theories
Aren't you an engineer... or scientist... or something along those lines? Could have sworn I saw you posting in another one of these threads shooting down conspiracy theories

Well, yeah you did.
I'm not posting about a "conspiracy theory" here though. This is in fact, reality. If you can show me that the Seven Pillars of Islam do not exist. If you can disprove ANYTHING I posted, that would be great news. But I know you can't. It's all true.
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Well, yeah you did.
I'm not posting about a "conspiracy theory" here though. This is in fact, reality. If you can show me that the Seven Pillars of Islam do not exist. If you can disprove ANYTHING I posted, that would be great news. But I know you can't. It's all true.

I'm not interested in disproving you since that would take more time and effort than I have to give. And it seems you're not interested in actually gaining knowledge, so I won't reply beyond this point as to avoid wasting my time and yours.

But for someone who understands engineering so well, it really irks me to see you would pick such corrupt data sources for your understanding of history.
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I'm not interested in disproving you since that would take more time and effort than I have to give. And it seems you're not interested in actually gaining knowledge, so I won't reply beyond this point as to avoid wasting my time and yours.

But for someone who understands engineering so well, it really irks me to see you would pick such corrupt data sources for your understanding of history.

PEW research polls aren't corrupt. They paint a picture that pretty closely adheres to the theories you just tried to sh!t on.
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I'm not interested in disproving you since that would take more time and effort than I have to give. And it seems you're not interested in actually gaining knowledge, so I won't reply beyond this point as to avoid wasting my time and yours.

But for someone who understands engineering so well, it really irks me to see you would pick such corrupt data sources for your understanding of history.

What part of his post is untrue? He is correct. We are at war. Heads in the sand do not change the facts. We are beimg infiltrated, outbred, and slowly conquered just like Europe. Due to geography and policy, europe is pn the fast track to destructiom and we are on the slow track. Make no mistake, the goal and methods are the same.

The truth is posted here over and over, the libs choose to ignore it. The only nonviolent muslims are the insincere muzzies that ignore the teachings and COMMANDS from their prophet in their holy book which tell them plainly and repeatedly to kill,lie to, overtake and destroy all infidels....which is everyone that is not a muslim. HALF...YES HALF of those foreign born muslims are inbred from marriages to first cousins. This causes them massive mental illness and on average 15 less points IQ. They wamt to live under sharia law, have no respect for American customs or law, and wish destruction on us and our way of life. Many of the gay, or female liberals who cry about islamaphobia and xenophobia will be the first ones killed, abused, and oppressed by those muslims under sharia law
It is so stupid. Liberals want to protect and enable the muslims who will kill them first. The gays who rally for muslims to immigrate would be stoned to death or thrown from the roofs of tall buildimgs in any muslim country in the world. Camel rapists, wife rapists, wife beaters...all of them are protected under sharia law. Genital mutilation of females is the norm. Not as punishment, just to subjugate them and break their will. There is no domestic violence there...wives are property and have np rights. They are traded in arranged marriages as girls...for livestock. ISIS makes videos of children sold as sex slaves and the muzzie community doesnt say a word. They want the caliphate to be a reality.

If you choose to support them then you are just as bad as them. The muzzies that dont condemn the radicals are partly to blame for the problem. We need to close the borders now. Now.
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I'm not interested in disproving you since that would take more time and effort than I have to give. And it seems you're not interested in actually gaining knowledge, so I won't reply beyond this point as to avoid wasting my time and yours.

But for someone who understands engineering so well, it really irks me to see you would pick such corrupt data sources for your understanding of history.

Science is bad when you don't agree with it!
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I'm not interested in disproving you since that would take more time and effort than I have to give. And it seems you're not interested in actually gaining knowledge, so I won't reply beyond this point as to avoid wasting my time and yours.

But for someone who understands engineering so well, it really irks me to see you would pick such corrupt data sources for your understanding of history.

Durka durka Mohammad jihad! Perhaps you should enlighten us all on the religion of peace....
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I'm not interested in disproving you since that would take more time and effort than I have to give. And it seems you're not interested in actually gaining knowledge, so I won't reply beyond this point as to avoid wasting my time and yours.

But for someone who understands engineering so well, it really irks me to see you would pick such corrupt data sources for your understanding of history.

So you really don't have the ability to refute what I posted at all. You only call BS without anything to back you up. Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling you stupid or arrogant. I am saying you have a serious misunderstanding of the global designs of Islamic immigration and jihad.


Firstly, they go together. When Mohammed was in Medina, new believers fled (immigrated) there to join the umma (community of muslims) and live in and learn the muslim faith.

..."Immigration (hijra), means leaving one’s home, people, and homeland, for a new place of abode, with a view to saving one’s faith from being compromised."...

And they each have spiritual aspects and worldly aspects. But for me purpose now, two.

1) Spiritual World
•Immigration-A person's moving (immigrating) from a worldly sinner by taking rational control over his worldly self to one who follows and obeys Allah's laws.

•Jihad-The spiritual warring within oneself and the community to bring them closer to Allah.

2) The Physical Temporal World
•Immigration- Actually picking up and moving to a new location, either to preserve the ability to worship as a muslim, or as one who brings Islam with them to enlarge the umma, Dar al Islam.

•Jihad-The "fighting back" against the non-Islamic world (Dar al Harb) either by aggressive prosylitizing or violence or conquering by the sword.

The attached link, 'Alhijrah wal Jihad' (Immigration and Jihad) are English translations from the Farsi of three lectures by the Iranian, Martyr Ayatollah Murtadha Mutahhari


There are long introductions, read if you wish, I skipped on to Lecture One and continued.
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Its disappointing to read the comments section on the few publications on the net who actually allow them. So many ignorant people in this country. Sad state of affairs. I was always so impressed when reading the letters sent home from our troops in the world wars. Many of those young men pnly went to grammar school and no more in order to work the farm etx..but their letters were beautiful prose, great grammar and most of the time spelling as well. These days, people with high school and even college educations write on a 5th grade level. It is shameful...not to mention the incredibly ignorant liberal opinions espoused by many of them. We are in a horrific downward spiral, i fear we never will recover.
Its disappointing to read the comments section on the few publications on the net who actually allow them. So many ignorant people in this country. Sad state of affairs. I was always so impressed when reading the letters sent home from our troops in the world wars. Many of those young men pnly went to grammar school and no more in order to work the farm etx..but their letters were beautiful prose, great grammar and most of the time spelling as well. These days, people with high school and even college educations write on a 5th grade level. It is shameful...not to mention the incredibly ignorant liberal opinions espoused by many of them. We are in a horrific downward spiral, i fear we never will recover.

The abject failure of public education to teach World History and Western Civilization concurrent with the constant unrelenting militant march of Islam conquering 7 centuries of the influence of Christendom. Out of Arabia and across Northern Africa, up through the Middle East, into Central Asia, attacking Central and Eastern Europe; across the Straights of Gibralter to Spain. Attacking Western Europe, France, Hungary, Austria. And even to attacking the island nations of the north Atlantic. No nations were/are safe from those muslims who choose militant jihad to conquer for Allah by physical immigration and the violence of conquering by the sword. They are promised by Allah as written in the Quran higher rank in paradise than those whose hijrah and jihad are spiritual only.

Consequently, America's 1st real war was to stop the Islamic Barbary Pirates from attacking American merchant craft, taking everyone off to be sold into slavery. America couldn't "float a plank on the Mediterranean" without attack by Barbary corsairs until the Battle of Tripoli, which our Marines sing of in their hymn.
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What I truly believe is that the second generation of immigrants from predominately Muslim countries will become "Americanized". Their parents will hang on to the old world and their ways and the next generation will assimilate.
The abject failure of public education to teach World History and Western Civilization concurrent with the constant unrelenting militant march of Islam conquering 7 centuries of the influence of Christendom. Out of Arabia and across Northern Africa, up through the Middle East, into Central Asia, attacking Central and Eastern Europe; across the Straights of Gibralter to Spain. Attacking Western Europe, France, Hungary, Austria. And even to attacking the island nations of the north Atlantic. No nations were/are safe from those muslims who choose militant jihad to conquer for Allah by physical immigration and the violence of conquering by the sword. They are promised by Allah as written in the Quran higher rank in paradise than those whose hijrah and jihad are spiritual only.

Consequently, America's 1st real war was to stop the Islamic Barbary Pirates from attacking American merchant craft, taking everyone off to be sold into slavery. America couldn't "float a plank on the Mediterranean" without attack by Barbary corsairs until the Battle of Tripoli, which our Marines sing of in their hymn.

Amen. If the Hammer didnt turn back the Moors, the muslims would have conquered all Christendom the first time around. Thankfully, the Lord wasnt going to let them conquer Europe then. They will probably be successful now. Then the Antichrist will lead them to all join together and encircle Jerusalem. Then, my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will destroy them all. Every last one of them
The birds will feast on their flesh, satan will be crushed and cast down.

Christ will reign for 1000 years of peace on earth.

Even so, come quickly my Lord. Please forgive me of my many sins...and all the saints, living or sleeping will spend eternity singing your praise.
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Just reading the comments on the story, residents of other countries are wishing their leaders were more like Trump as well as making fun of the individuals here who bash him.

All of the europeans and canadians on there praise trump...over and over. Sad that half pur country doesnt get it...sounds like trump could be in power in anybcountry in western europe right now if he ran...
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Methinks the globalists overplayed their hands and the people are pushing back in a HUGE way.

Expect to see similar internal political sniping escalation in these nations, just as we see in the US.
Methinks the globalists overplayed their hands and the people are pushing back in a HUGE way.

Expect to see similar internal political sniping escalation in these nations, just as we see in the US.

You may be right.

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