Mike Strange: This time, it's not Year Zero at Tennessee



as always Go Lady Vols :clapping:
Aug 27, 2007
Every senior I talked to stressed the family atmosphere Jones has fostered from his first day. Hood has a favorite story:

“Every coach brought their family in front of (the team) and introduced their family. He (Jones), is like, ‘This is who you guys represent, too. If you don’t go out and play, they don’t eat.’

Mike Strange: This time, it's not Year Zero at Tennessee » GoVolsXtra

i mainly posted this for the practice vid,let it run and hear his mom,it was pretty funny :)
I love his attitude and the discipline. I think he is going to be a good one too.
Notice when you watch a vid from practice, CBJ is always right there in the middle of things, not in the tower looking down like a CEO, not leaving it to the asst. coaches. He appears to be a detail oriented coach, which is probably why he wins, he doesnt't leave things to chance. Hope he will be a good one. I've been disappointed before, but sure looks and acts like a winner.

If we don't win, it won't be because we got outworked.
Just watching post practice interviews, many times players refer to team support of each other. I believe CBJ and staff have brought unity as a team and family. Team 117 will be all VFL.
I hope most of those families are not depending on their kids' performance to "eat." Because that doesn't happen for most.
It's 2013 and we have yet to lose a game, just the way Vol fans like it....we're undefeated and going to stay that way for at least 3 more weeks (I Hope)
He's gonna be a good one folks. I hope the rest of the SEC is ready to get butchslapped cause it's gonna happen baby!
Lets be patience vol nation I really do believe BJ will get it all turned around after lane kiffin and dooley its going to be nice to watch a TN game without some of our players giving up like they did in the KY game I think the players have a coach they want to play for. GO VOLS
Lets be patience vol nation I really do believe BJ will get it all turned around after lane kiffin and dooley its going to be nice to watch a TN game without some of our players giving up like they did in the KY game I think the players have a coach they want to play for. GO VOLS

OK...I will be patient.
I GUARANTEE you all this much; there WILL be a MAJOR upset with this team either this yr or next..I see UT getting a BIG win possibly over a rival or another ranked school..unlike doofus who couldn't coach his way out of a wet paper bag, CBJ appears to know how to lead and coach..and WILL get this team back to the top I say within 3 yrs we are ranked in top 10 again maybe sooner who knows...guess we wait and see :)
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Quote: “I was nervous as all get-out,’’ Miller said. “I feel the freshmen we have now are gonna be prepared for that by the situations we’re put in each and every day at practice.’’

The facts keep coming out how bad if a coach Dooley was during his time in Knoxville.
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Times are a changing in Vol Country.. I've finally have hope in the staff here at Knoxville. We as fans have to be on board with the changes that are on front of us. We have to act like the supporting fans that we are.. I believe that we are going to be very surprised in the effort this staff and players are going to put forth this year. Go Vols!!!!
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I might be missing the point, but what is the statement from mike strange all about anyway? It was mentioned in the OP.

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