Mike Strange: This time, it's not Year Zero at Tennessee

I hope this senior group can at least notch out a winning season, with all they have been through, I'd love to see the seniors go out knowing they laid the ground work for many victories to come.
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Yes, I remember that...but would strange say that CBJ doesn't get a "year zero"?

"The program had been so shaken by the firing of Phillip Fulmer and the hiring and departure of Lane Kiffin after a season that it seemed like starting from scratch under Dooley."

I assume he means it isn't ground zero again ? I could be wrong though :)
this is Year 1!! There is NO Year zero under CBJ not in Vols country!! Im excited about the future of this program!!! If things go as planned and the pieces fall into place, I can see this team contending for the East in Year 2 :)
I think my favorite thing about the video was the fact that Jones is instilling the mentality of concentrating on one opponent at a time.
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