Military drone kills a person without it being told to do so

And people want self driving cars.

There would be far fewer than the 42,000 getting killed right now with the human operators behind the wheels. I hope that the technology is here and deployed well before I’m too dang old to maneuver myself. I kind of hope that Apple becomes the leader. Pull out my iPhone and order me a car to come fetch me for a beer, Geritol, and Depends run.
There would be far fewer than the 42,000 getting killed right now with the human operators behind the wheels. I hope that the technology is here and deployed well before I’m too dang old to maneuver myself. I kind of hope that Apple becomes the leader. Pull out my iPhone and order me a car to come fetch me for a beer, Geritol, and Depends run.

They won’t make it unless they merge with the UMBRELLA ... umm , err I meant the A.B.C Corp.
They won’t make it unless they merge with the UMBRELLA ... umm , err I meant the A.B.C Corp.

Apple won’t manufacture cars, but they will be heavily involved in the mix. They are more on the technology and consumer parts of the spectrum rather than turning bolts on assembly lines. My question is will most rides be provided by personally owned vehicles or from fleets managed by companies like Uber and Lyft or Apple and Google or Tesla or Amazon and Microsoft or Enterprise or GM and Ford? I would bet on the latter scenario.
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That's a wee bit on the scary side. Set-and-forget drones; I wonder how easily hackable they are?

Anything is hackable. I’m not tech savvy enough though to speak as to what degree a drone could be hacked, but we can all bet our collective, sweet @$$es Russia and China can!
Anything is hackable. I’m not tech savvy enough though to speak as to what degree a drone could be hacked, but we can all bet our collective, sweet @$$es Russia and China can!

American teachers are too busy teaching our young school kids CRT & that everything is racist. To hell w/all the smart kids that are able to learn technology & high enough computer learning to take America forward to a better place than hate those people that disagree with you.
There would be far fewer than the 42,000 getting killed right now with the human operators behind the wheels. I hope that the technology is here and deployed well before I’m too dang old to maneuver myself. I kind of hope that Apple becomes the leader. Pull out my iPhone and order me a car to come fetch me for a beer, Geritol, and Depends run.

I sincerely hope this is pure sarcasm
American teachers are too busy teaching our young school kids CRT & that everything is racist. To hell w/all the smart kids that are able to learn technology & high enough computer learning to take America forward to a better place than hate those people that disagree with you.

Yes. All of them. Every single, last teacher. I know; I've asked each of them. As a matter of fact, they're replacing gym with Self-Flagellation for Whites in every single public and public charter in the country next year.
Yes. All of them. Every single, last teacher. I know; I've asked each of them. As a matter of fact, they're replacing gym with Self-Flagellation for Whites in every single public and public charter in the country next year.

It's gotten pretty bad. Teacher's Union pushes that stuff these days .... called "woke" teachers teaching hate.
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Imagine how many more people Obama could have killed with “fire and forget” drones.
We're not going to make it, are we?

Johnny 5 is Alive! And coming for your human asses!!! AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Would this be a good time to bring up the area denial autonomous self repairing mine network which was proposed about twenty years ago?
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Johnny 5 is Alive! And coming for your human asses!!! AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Would this be a good time to bring up the area denial autonomous self repairing mine network which was proposed about twenty years ago?

Havent seen u in a few days..Thought you guys might have met your 80 mph watercraft demise.

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