Military drone kills a person without it being told to do so

Havent seen u in a few days..Thought you guys might have met your 80 mph watercraft demise.
Just got back from the lake actually. Got some more seat time with the new prop. Full two fisherman load and half a tank of gas (in other words I was heavy) with fairly rough water for high speed and I still hit 76 at 5600 rpm with speed left, again just too rough.

I’m just about back on my piloting skills to where I was when I was a kid.
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Anything is hackable. I’m not tech savvy enough though to speak as to what degree a drone could be hacked, but we can all bet our collective, sweet @$$es Russia and China can!
And with nano manufacturing who knows what’s imbedded in the crevices of the chips
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But Obama!
What about his comment was in accurate or irrelevant?
It’s pretty much agreed that Obama was fond of the drone strike. I’ve heard him called Droneboma many times. Maybe I missed it but nobody is blaming this on Trump or Biden so I really don’t see how whataboutism applies here. There’s no other leader being mentioned.
What about his comment was in accurate or irrelevant?
It’s pretty much agreed that Obama was fond of the drone strike. I’ve heard him called Droneboma many times. Maybe I missed it but nobody is blaming this on Trump or Biden so I really don’t see how whataboutism applies here. There’s no other leader being mentioned.
But Obama!
What about his comment was in accurate or irrelevant?
It’s pretty much agreed that Obama was fond of the drone strike. I’ve heard him called Droneboma many times. Maybe I missed it but nobody is blaming this on Trump or Biden so I really don’t see how whataboutism applies here. There’s no other leader being mentioned.
Did he mention any other presidents that used drones?
Why didn't he?
Because Obama is the guy known for excessive Drone usage.
GW didn’t have access to them (not really) and Trump isn’t known for them. Once again “DroneBama” was one of his nicknames. So why would he bring anyone else up?
So now anytime we speak about anything about a former president it’s “whatabotism”?

like the times I post “mission accomplished “ you’re going to post “but Bush”, right?
So far it’s not being trashed by anyone but the drunk guy who normally is smarter than this

So you're saying drone strikes are wrong, but Obama had more drone strikes than Trump or GW, so it's okay to call out Obama but not the other two? I will neither admit or deny I had a Memorial Day cocktail.
So you're saying drone strikes are wrong, but Obama had more drone strikes than Trump or GW, so it's okay to call out Obama but not the other two? I will neither admit or deny I had a Memorial Day cocktail.

calling out one person for wrong doesn’t excuse others for wrong. It’s also not “whataboutism” unless the post was saying “well Obama did it worse than.......” or “you didn’t think that when Obama did that”. In this case it was a random comment about a president who was known for a behavior.

I now expect you to call out everyone on the board anytime they make a random joke about a former President.
calling out one person for wrong doesn’t excuse others for wrong. It’s also not “whataboutism” unless the post was saying “well Obama did it worse than.......” or “you didn’t think that when Obama did that”. In this case it was a random comment about a president who was known for a behavior.

I now expect you to call out everyone on the board anytime they make a random joke about a former President.

I will expect the same from everybody else, if you want to pretend I'm the first, feel free.

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