The stupidity of people exercising their freedom of speech to criticize those who defend their freedom of speech never ceases to amaze me. They never give thought that if we had no military to defend ourselves, we would quickly stop being the land of the free and become the home of the enslaved.
If she's that opposed to our country, I would suggest she move somewhere she can be more satisfied. She's free to renounce her citizenship at any time.
Something that's always bothered me, the families of 9/11 victims were generously compensated for their losses. I have no problem with that directly, but the families of our fallen servicemen are nowhere near as compensated. That bothers me. When you put a price on human life, I just cannot understand how these brave men are considered to be worth so much less. Back when my father was in the Navy, I was shocked to learn that when a serviceman died, his family was given 30 days to vacate government housing. It surprised me and hurt me that in the face of tragedy these families were also given a 30 day eviction notice. I don't know current military protocol, but I hoped it's changed. It's sad to think that our country cannot show support for the families of men/women who have died for their country. There's no honor in that.