Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

Stories like this doesn't move the needle with progressive democrats, and that's why they don't comment on it. They are on the side of this criminal demographic which they hope turn into votes with amnesty, not the victim.

Apparently it's a restricted read story.

Texas police arrest illegal immigrant in 16-year-old cheerleader Lizbeth Medina's murder​

Lizbeth Medina, a Texas 16-year-old, was found dead in her apartment bathtub on Dec. 5​

That's because they don't care. They also don't care that this migrant scum that is coming here, and NOT working, and allowing the government to pay their way is costing us half a TRILLION per year. Cut them off. No cash, no lodging, no nothin'. Do that and they'll turn around and start heading the other way.
That's because they don't care. They also don't care that this migrant scum that is coming here, and NOT working, and allowing the government to pay their way is costing us half a TRILLION per year. Cut them off. No cash, no lodging, no nothin'. Do that and they'll turn around and start heading the other way.

That is why we need a real change agent in the White House that isn't afraid of rustling the feathers of these swamp creature chumps. You are not going to get the perfect candidate but we need someone with some stones. That's why Haley and Christie are at the bottom of my list. It's only Desantis, Vivek and Trump for me.
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That is why we need a real change agent in the White House that isn't afraid of rustling the feathers of these swamp creature chumps. You are not going to get the perfect candidate but we need someone with some stones. That's why Haley and Christie are at the bottom of my list. It's only Desantis, Vivek and Trump for me.
Couldn't agree with you more. Those 3 top my list too. The other two are squishes.

Biden’s TSA Designates Special Airport Screening Line for Migrants Without Required ID​


TUCSON, Arizona — Migrants recently released by the Border Patrol waited patiently to board flights leaving the region at the Tucson International Airport on Friday afternoon. The event marks their last day on the southwest border and their first day of free movement across the United States.

Despite the firm requirements for United States citizens and legally admitted international travelers to possess valid forms of identification to board aircraft, the migrants were shuffled through a “special” security screening line set up by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), specifically for migrants — many without any identification whatsoever.


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I cant help but think Trump getting Congress to pass massive fines for employment and this hoard will go home on their own volition.

Texas Installs Anti-Climb Fence In Brownsville Area Of Border To Stop Illegal immigration​

AUSTIN, Texas — State military has installed an 8-foot anti-climb fence along one of the busiest spots along the Texas border with Mexico for illegal immigration.

The state debuted an anti-climb barrier near Brownsville, not far from the Gulf Coast, to prevent people from easily crossing in large groups, as Border Patrol officials in the region are accustomed to seeing, the office of Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) announced over the weekend.

“We have bad actors that are coming over, opening up the [concertina wire, and] allowing traffic to move through,” Texas National Guard Capt. Chris Daniel said in a statement. “They’re going to have to do a lot more cutting to get through the [anti-climb barrier]."


Texas Installs Anti-Climb Fence In Brownsville Area Of Border To Stop Illegal immigration​

AUSTIN, Texas — State military has installed an 8-foot anti-climb fence along one of the busiest spots along the Texas border with Mexico for illegal immigration.

The state debuted an anti-climb barrier near Brownsville, not far from the Gulf Coast, to prevent people from easily crossing in large groups, as Border Patrol officials in the region are accustomed to seeing, the office of Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) announced over the weekend.

“We have bad actors that are coming over, opening up the [concertina wire, and] allowing traffic to move through,” Texas National Guard Capt. Chris Daniel said in a statement. “They’re going to have to do a lot more cutting to get through the [anti-climb barrier]."

unless they are going to actively guard it at all times it doesn't matter what they install. there are videos out there of the cartels bringing blow torches and wire cutters to get through other barriers.
unless they are going to actively guard it at all times it doesn't matter what they install. there are videos out there of the cartels bringing blow torches and wire cutters to get through other barriers.
And that will only stop when the national guard is sent to the border.

United States' Busiest Border Crossing is CLOSED to Legal Traffic After Coyotes Overwhelmed Arizona Hot Spot With Illegal Migrants-- forcing overwhelmed agents to scramble​

The border crisis has a new victim-- US citizens who live near the border and legally cross from the US to Mexico on a regular basis.

With a surge of migrants illegally flooding into the US west of Lukeville, Arizona, US border officials have shut down the port of entry in town to legitimate traffic.

The Tucson area, which Lukeville is part of, has seen 17,500 encounters in a single week-- the highest weekly total ever recorded.

As thousands of migrants from around the world illegally slip into the nation by simply squeezing through openings in the border wall, federal agents at the port of entry have been sent to help understaffed Border Patrol officers handle the surge of unauthorized migrants.

The port of entry has been closed-- a move that will cost businesses in Arizona thousands of dollars a day as legal crossers scramble to figure out how they will get to work and school on either the US or Mexican side.

Migrants wait to be processed and transported at a Border Patrol temporary processing center near Lukeville, Arizona, U.S. on December 12, 2023

'For far too long, Arizona communities have paid the price for Washington’s failures on the border,' Arizona Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly said in a joint statement Tuesday.


United States' Busiest Border Crossing is CLOSED to Legal Traffic After Coyotes Overwhelmed Arizona Hot Spot With Illegal Migrants-- forcing overwhelmed agents to scramble​

The border crisis has a new victim-- US citizens who live near the border and legally cross from the US to Mexico on a regular basis.

With a surge of migrants illegally flooding into the US west of Lukeville, Arizona, US border officials have shut down the port of entry in town to legitimate traffic.

The Tucson area, which Lukeville is part of, has seen 17,500 encounters in a single week-- the highest weekly total ever recorded.

As thousands of migrants from around the world illegally slip into the nation by simply squeezing through openings in the border wall, federal agents at the port of entry have been sent to help understaffed Border Patrol officers handle the surge of unauthorized migrants.

The port of entry has been closed-- a move that will cost businesses in Arizona thousands of dollars a day as legal crossers scramble to figure out how they will get to work and school on either the US or Mexican side.

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Migrants wait to be processed and transported at a Border Patrol temporary processing center near Lukeville, Arizona, U.S. on December 12, 2023

'For far too long, Arizona communities have paid the price for Washington’s failures on the border,' Arizona Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly said in a joint statement Tuesday.

NGOs are paying to ship these people from all over the world. How many national borders ar3 crossed from Africa or Asia, or anywhere? This is pathetic and will cost Biden the WH if no cheating.

Senate to Return Next Week In Hopes Of Pre-Christmas Border Deal​

The Senate will return Monday in the hopes of getting a border deal to unlock aid for Ukraine before Christmas.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) decided Thursday to keep members in town next week, saying in remarks on the floor that negotiators will have more runway to seek a deal that has been elusive for members.

Schumer added that members should expect to vote on a shell bill that would eventually serve as the vehicle to the supplemental package including a potential border deal.

Negotiations have been ongoing for weeks, but only in recent days have administration officials taken a meaningful role in talks. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas met with Senate negotiators, top White House staffers and Senate leadership on Tuesday and Wednesday night.

According to multiple senators close to the talks, they have made progress in recent days. However, Senate Republicans argued there was not enough progress to warrant keeping lawmakers in town past Thursday.


Sinema Says Failure ‘not an option’ In Border Talks​


Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) said in a Thursday interview that failing to come to an agreement in negotiations over border security is “not an option.”

Senate negotiations led by Sinema, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) have been taking place for weeks in an effort to come to a compromise on the border. Senators signaled optimism Wednesday that the discussions were making progress, and the upper chamber plans to return next week in hopes of reaching an agreement before the end of the year.

The White House also said Thursday that the border security talks were moving “in the right direction.” If both sides of the aisle come to an agreement on the border policies, it will likely unlock the supplemental funding package to send more aid to Israel and Ukraine.

Sinema’s comments come after Senate Republicans blocked a measure to provide aid to Ukraine and Israel last week because they were unsatisfied with the border security provisions laid out in the bill.


Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Says Ukraine Aid More Important Than Border Security​

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin said on Thursday that sending aid to Ukraine is more important than border security.

Since the Ukraine-Russia war began in 2022, the United States has provided over $75 billion in aid to the country. Republicans have opposed Senate Democrats’ proposed $61 billion aid package to Israel unless it is accompanied by border security reforms amid a surge in illegal immigration at the United States’ southern border with Mexico. (RELATED: Speaker Johnson Says No Ukraine Aid Without Border Funding After Meeting Zelenskyy)

“Ukraine,” said Cardin, in response to the DCNF’s question about which priority was more important. Republicans in Congress have accused Democrats of being insufficiently concerned with border security, with House Speaker Mike Johnson saying that Republicans’ “first condition on any national security supplemental spending package is … our own national security first.”


Mexican military seize TEN IEDs at the US-Mexico border at Tucson: Border patrol agents are warned to be 'vigilant' as America is faced with unprecedented migrant surge​

Border patrol agents have been warned to be vigilant after Mexico's military seized ten improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the border with Arizona as the US continues to see a surge of migrants.

In an internal officer safety alert seen by Fox Business, border agents were told to 'exercise extreme caution and report any possible armed subjects with possible explosive devices.'

It comes after Mexican officials found the IEDs on Wednesday after being alerted by US officials to a cartel turf war gunfight south of the border. The cartels are reportedly fighting for control of a gap in the border wall used for drug and human smuggling.

Prior to the IEDs finding, US authorities had arrested a man on the US side who was armed with a loaded AK-47 rifle, two loaded AK magazines, loose rounds and a handgun.

The man reportedly told border patrol agents about 11 armed suspects nearby. As agents heard gunfire coming from the Mexico side, the pulled back - before the Mexican military found the 10 explosive devices filled with shrapnel and black powder.


Border agents were told to 'exercise extreme caution' after Mexico 's military seized ten improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the southern border

Border patrol agents have previously reporting encountering migrants carrying IEDs.

A shift in smuggling routes has brought an influx of migrants here from countries as diverse as Senegal, Bangladesh and China, prompting the Border Patrol to seek help from other federal agencies and drawing scrutiny to an issue critical in next year’s presidential elections.


Teen Migrant Charged after Florida Deputy has Fatal heart attack amid Struggle​

An illegal migrant from Guatemala is facing a manslaughter charge after a Florida sheriff’s deputy suffered a fatal heart attack during a May struggle with the 18-year-old in St. Augustine.

Stakes in the legally complex case escalated this week after Virgilio Aguilar-Mendez retained a civil rights attorney who claims he was wrongfully stopped before the encounter which led to St. Johns County Sergeant Michael Kunovich’s death.

Aguilar-Mendez entered the US illegally through the southern border last year aged 17 and eventually made his way to St. Augustine to work on farms, court papers state.

St. Johns County Sergeant Michael Kunovich died after a struggle with Aguilar-Mendez.

Virgilio Aguilar-Mendez — who told Kunovich he didn’t speak english — worked on farms in St. Augustine.


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