Millions of Illegal Aliens From All Over The World Head For U.S. Border

EXCLUSIVE: Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US​

A private social network run by a self-identified Chinese government agent provides illegal immigrants with resources to get into the U.S. and evade border authorities, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation discovered.


I have a wife, a 16yo daughter, 3 sisters, my Mom and a slew of aunts and cousins.

Yes they are in increased danger.

Yes this falls squarely on Biden and his administration.

Yes they changed immigration policy by executive order on DAY 1 in office to intentionally start the unprecedented WAVE of MILLIONS of illegal invaders.

Yes it was intentional and premeditated. It was planned and already had NGOs and others working in Mexico and Central America to HELP the huge groups of illegals make it to our border.

Yes this invasion is well funded and well staffed outside the US by globalists and American Democrat organizations. They handout flyers in Spanish with instructions and directions of travel as well as food, water etc

Yes they keep the federal LEOs from enforcing prior immigration policy to THIS DAY allowing thousands more illegals to invade every single day.

Yes this blood is on their hands.

If one of these illegal immigrants rapes or kills 1 of the women that I love, I won't be hunting illegals. I will be hunting those who are responsible for them being here.

EXCLUSIVE: Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US​

A private social network run by a self-identified Chinese government agent provides illegal immigrants with resources to get into the U.S. and evade border authorities, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation discovered.

Yes. The ChiComs are doing the same thing. Invading our country with agents.

Yes terrorists from the muslim states in northern Africa and the Middle East are steadily invading us as well. Sleeper cells will be everywhere.

Yes its only a matter of time before they blow up or shoot up a "soft target" of unsuspecting civilians mostly women and children. They are cowards. This is what they do.

Yes it will be 100% this Biden admins fault when it happens. They will be reminded repeatedly that the deaths are a direct result of their underhanded efforts to stock this country with Dimwit voters via illegal immigrants.

The Dimwit portion of the Uniparty doesnt even pretend to be honest or upstanding anymore. Partisan crooks at the DOJ and FBI trying to jail the candidate for POTUS that is absolutely DRAGGING Crooked Joe in every single poll....shameless and obvious disregard for longstanding US immigration law in an attempt to swing future elections by allowing ILLEGALS to vote....fighting VOTER I.D. LAWS tooth and nail every time they are proposed in Congress despite anyone with a brain KNOWING that to be against VOTER ID is logically indefensible and outright shameful...

Those are just a few examples. The Democrat wing of the Uniparty is complete garbage. Total lack of morals and without excuse for their malfeasance. They are blatantly against the US, against God, against the nuclear family....against all things that are right and good. Bunch of worthless degenerates bent on destroying this once great Nation. They are the cancer that will surely kill this host. The broken "2 party" system and spineless RINOs will do nothing to stop them. It makes me sick. I will literally not piss on you liberals when you catch fire. The Republicans are bad enough...but the Dimwits are actually evil. Disgusting.
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Officials: Illegal Alien, Deported 16 Times, Killed 64-Year-Old Colorado Man​


An illegal alien from Mexico, deported 16 times from the United States, is accused of killing a 64-year-old man from Bailey, Colorado, in a vehicle crash.

Ignacio Cruz-Mendoza, a 47-year-old illegal alien, has been arrested and charged with vehicular homicide, vehicular assault, reckless driving, and driving without a commercial driver’s license in connection to the death of 64-year-old Scott Miller.

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E-Verify Program Closer to Reality for Ohio Contractors​

Contractors and large employers in Ohio are a step closer to being required to verify the immigration status of employees after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill to require the use of E-Verify in hiring.

The legislation would impact contractors engaged in state or local public works construction, nonresidential construction contractors and any employer with 75 or more employees.

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E-Verify Program Closer to Reality for Ohio Contractors​

Contractors and large employers in Ohio are a step closer to being required to verify the immigration status of employees after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill to require the use of E-Verify in hiring.

The legislation would impact contractors engaged in state or local public works construction, nonresidential construction contractors and any employer with 75 or more employees.

I thought E Verify was already law of the land for any employee.
Unbelievable. Multiple murder, rape, but dude is just casually sitting at the bar.

"Authorities found the career criminal “casually sitting at the bar” Friday night in Tulsa, Oklahoma, cops said."

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5 Illegal Immigrants Charged With Kidnapping 14-Year-Old Girl In American Heartland​

All five men charged with kidnapping a teenage girl are living in the United States illegally, according to local law enforcement officials.

Five men were arrested early Monday morning in northeast Missouri after a 14-year-old Indiana girl was reported missing from her home, according to Fox 4, a Missouri-based outlet. The men — all of them Honduran or Mexican nationals and living in the U.S. illegally — were taken into custody and charged with kidnapping and endangering the welfare of a child. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Illegal Immigrant ‘Serial Masturbator’ Finally Snagged By ICE After Numerous Arrests)


Americans who support the open border are disgusting. The ones with kids are the worst. Actively supporting a worse future for your own kids is the lowest you can ever go as a parent and many on this board do just that. Cowards who have been brainwashed into believing they should feel bad about themselves.

Chinese migrant wanted for LA Murder brazenly tries to sneak back into US, finally gets caught: sources​

A Chinese migrant, who was wanted for murder in Los Angeles, was caught and arrested after waltzing back over the border and turning himself into authorities, expecting to be released into the US, according to Homeland Security sources.

The migrant — whose name is Junnan Ge — was arrested in the San Diego area June 14 with a large group of migrants who turned themselves in to border agents in the hopes of bering allowed to enter the country, sources told The Post.

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Conservative border hawks slam Trump’s college green card vow for foreign students​

Former President Donald Trump has floated green cards for all foreign students who graduate from US universities and junior colleges in a podcast interview — prompting hardline immigration advocacy groups to lash out at what they called a “cockamamie proposal.”

“You graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country, and that includes junior colleges too,” Trump, 78, told “The All-In Podcast.”


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