While we can all agree heckling performers is classless no matter what, this is an especially disturbing and disheartening story. I'm not sure how familiar y'all are with the TRUE story of Matthew Shepard that this play depicts.
He was a 22 year old college student who was kidnapped and beaten into a coma with a pistol, then tied to a fence post and left to die all b/c of his sexual orientation. He spent 18 hours hanging on that post before someone found him. He never regained consciousness from the extensive torture and died in the hospital.
It isn't as if these players heckled a cast during some corny performance of Oklahoma! or Grease... This is a story about somebody's son, barely an adult, being brutally murdered for just being himself. If I was the one LGBT cast member they interviewed after the performance I'd be incredibly hurt by all of this. Try and imagine how that moment had to have felt for him. It's a damn shame.