This is a strange move for a program which had a good offense last season. Will he have play calling duties? He has never been either an OC or a QB coach before; nor did he even play QB. Weird.
I dunno...he's been with Dallas for 4/5 years...Pro football and college football are very different. At the pro level, all you do as a coach is football, all day, everyday, all year.
I bet his X's and O's have improved ten fold since he left Tennessee. Can he translate that on down to the rest of his offensive staff, we'll have to see.
Things that were a weakness for him here won't be at Missouri.
I'm not saying it will work out and if I'm Missouri I think I try to hire someone who has done it, but I don't know the situation there, who were other candidates that interviewed, etc...
Government and coaching; the two careers you fail upward. You cannot convince me there arent 100 other more qualified coaches out there. He has never been a coordinator at any level and nothing on his resume screams success other than his name.