


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
Guess by now everyone’s heard the rumors! X Vandy QB saying some disturbing things about the SEC. Said he was approached by the mob to throw games….lol
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Heck of a dream, I guess he was deep asleep and Vandy was in the Playoffs. Wow. Not bad for a Drug Free Campus. The mob approaches 2nd String QBs all the time. Did he even think that you had to be on the field to throw a game? Can't wait to see the podcast and the Mob has evidently increased their numbers here.
Guess by now everyone’s heard the rumors! X Vandy QB saying some disturbing things about the SEC. Said he was approached by the mob to throw games….lol
Disclaimer….read it on Facebook!
Far as I'm concerned, this is a NCAA backed stool pigeon trying to push an anti-NIL scare tactic. A Vandy Abe Reles, as it were.
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Could buy it if it was point spread related. First article I read inferred that Bama players were in on it.
Guess by now everyone’s heard the rumors! X Vandy QB saying some disturbing things about the SEC. Said he was approached by the mob to throw games….lol
Disclaimer….read it on Facebook!
I have to agree. Why would organized crime go to a backup QB on a team that rarely has a winning season, and pay them to throw a game? Was the over/under on Vandy's wins at four, so it was felt and extra game needed to go in the L column?
I have personal first hand information about this 60 years ago. It's hard to believe that many people bet on games back then but players in that case were paid a lot of money to lose. It didn't extend to just points shaving.

This should be obvious, but if these players are being paid, then the mob would not have an easy time buying them. This is the anti-scare tactic for NIL. If anybody is capable of any logic.
I have personal first hand information about this 60 years ago. It's hard to believe that many people bet on games back then but players in that case were paid a lot of money to lose. It didn't extend to just points shaving.

This should be obvious, but if these players are being paid, then the mob would not have an easy time buying them. This is the anti-scare tactic for NIL. If anybody is capable of any logic.
Well, there is NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. Vandy players don't need NIL money. They're the King of the Hill when it comes to throwing games for 40 years now and are obscenely wealthy.

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