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defamatory? Raising enough questions about his birth in the US to keep him from being elected? That count?

So now you assume (but, of course, it is not a leap), that in 1991 this publishing house thought that Obama was going to run for president seventeen years later?

And, you still will not provide any acknowledgment to the fact that, regardless of what this website was saying up to 2007, Obama clearly stated in Dreams From My Father (1995) that he was born in Hawaii; of which, this publishing house provided the copy-editing and publishing.

Yet, you want to assert that what was stated by the publishing house in 1991 is in someway relevant.
Nope, I still do not care. I care what I think and I care what I do and I care how I vote.

I choose the policy over the man anytime I am given the chance.

Presidential elections are decided by those in the middle where the policies of the two candidates tend to be a wash and other factors such as the character of the candidate swing the vote. Since I do care who the actual President is I also care about whether both candidates are equally vetted.
OMG, this is so funny. The birthers are retarded, but how can you sweep them under the rug now with this Harvard article, and now an article from the AP. Why did they report this. Was Obama telling people he was Kenyan-born, when it wasn't true? It'll be interesting to find out why so much confusion.
It is right here, relax.

/ thread

The real question should be, will Oprah have him back on the show to berate him for falsifying his autobiography?
The real question should be, will Oprah have him back on the show to berate him for falsifying his autobiography?

Like she did with James Frey? I was upset she did not do the same with the Three Cups of Tea *******. Nobody sent donations to Frey.
A 'Fact Checking Error'? Dystel & Goderich Ask Writers to Submit Their Own Bios

In my dealings with Dystel, I found her exceptionally thorough and very professional. She had a template she wanted non-fiction writers to follow, and my writing partner and I followed her template closely. She was rather fastidious, going so far as to mail a personal "Season's Greetings" card in December.

All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner. She edited our rough-draft proposals and gave us feedback, but the final versions were all ours. Our final versions, bio included, were then simply photo-copied, by us, and distributed to potential publishers.

My bio for that proposal was five sentences long.

Arizona Secretary of State Threatens to Remove Obama from Ballot | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett is threatening to keep President ObamaÂ’s name off the stateÂ’s ballot in November unless he receives confirmation from Hawaii that it has a valid birth certificate on file for him.

Bennett, who spoke to Arizona radio host Mike Broomhead Thursday, said he requested the confirmation eight weeks ago and has not gotten it.

Asked by Broomhead if he would remove Obama’s name from the ballot if Hawaii fails to comply, Bennett said: “That’s possible. Or the other option would be that I would ask all the candidates, including the president, to submit a certified copy of their birth certificate.”

Bennett said Hawaii law permits government officials to request verification of possession of a birth certificate in lieu of a certified copy.

“They could say yes tomorrow and the whole thing goes away,” Bennett said. “If they can’t say yes to that simple question, then it makes me wonder if we have to take it to another level. One way or another, we have to have some simple verification that people are qualified for the office if they’re going to be on the ballot here in Arizona.”
Hawaii provides proof to Arizona. What angle will the birthers take now?

The state of Hawaii said late Tuesday it has provided verification of the president's birth to Arizona's secretary of state, who claimed he needed proof of Obama's citizenship before he could place his name on the state's November ballot.

Joshua Wisch, special assistant to Hawaii Attorney General David Louie, told The Associated Press that the matter is now resolved.

Hawaii verifies Obama birth records to Arizona | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
The Birthers can not be very smart.
This was a failed issue the moment it started.
There is too much money involved in politics. The opposition will dig up everything there is on a candidate.
There is no way he could go through the dem primaries against the Clintons, then the general with the GOP searching for anything that would discredit him.

A little common sense helps at times. That is something fewer people are using these days.
Thanks for letting me know the angle that the birthers will take.

You misunderstood. I asked what qualifies it as proof. The fact that someone in HI said it is? Skepticism is the watchword in this issue and it should apply to both sides.
You misunderstood. I asked what qualifies it as proof. The fact that someone in HI said it is? Skepticism is the watchword in this issue and it should apply to both sides.

Why do you presume guilt? The burden of proof is on those making the allegations, not on the person defending themselves.

The fact is, that no one will ever be able to demonstratively prove where Obama was born (nor where you were born). Yet, the State of Hawaii is making an official proclamation that they have some sort of official verification of his birth in Hawaii. What more do you want?
The birthers do not want to believe that Obama was born in Hawaii. At a minimum, they want to keep the issue alive for political purposes.

Therefore, no matter what evidence, or certifications from Hawaii, might be forthcoming, they will reject it as insufficient.

Therefore, Obama has always been correct to ignore the issue - no matter what proof is produced, it will never be good enough.
The birthers do not want to believe that Obama was born in Hawaii. At a minimum, they want to keep the issue alive for political purposes.

Actually keeping it alive for political purposes is what Obama has been doing for the last four years but once Sheriff Joe's posse arrived in Hawaii ... game over.

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