A prospective student-athlete who has signed a National Letter of Intent (NLI) is permitted to make an unofficial visit during a dead period to the institution with which he or she has signed the NLI.
In men's basketball, an institution is permitted to make one telephone call per month to an individual (or the individual's relatives or legal guardians) on or after June 15 of the individual's sophomore year in high school through July 31 of the individual's junior year in high school. Thereafter, outside a contact period, an institution is permitted to make two telephone calls per week to an individual (or the individual's relatives or legal guardians) beginning August 1 before the individual's senior year in high school. Outside a contact period, an institution is permitted to make one telephone call per week to a two-year or four-year college prospective student-athlete (or the prospective student-athlete's relatives or legal guardians). During a contact period that occurs after August 1 prior to an individual's senior year in high school, telephone calls may be made at the institution's discretion. (Adopted: 11/1/01 effective 4/1/02, Revised: 4/29/04 effective 8/1/04, 4/28/05 effective 8/1/05, 1/9/06, 4/29/10 effective 8/1/10)
Contacts After National Letter of Intent Signing or Other Written Commitment -- Sports Other Than Women's Basketball and Football.
Previous Cite: Delivery of Letter of Intent. Next Cite: Contacts After National Letter of Intent Signing or Other Commitment -- Women's Basketball.
In sports other than women's basketball and football, after the calendar day on which a prospective student-athlete signs a National Letter of Intent, there shall be no limit on the number of contacts by the institution with which the prospective student-athlete has signed. For an institution not using the National Letter of Intent in a particular sport, there shall be no limit on the number of contacts with the prospective student-athlete or the prospective student-athlete's relatives or legal guardians by that institution after the calendar day of the prospective student-athlete's signed acceptance of the institution's written offer of admission and/or financial aid. However, the following conditions continue to apply: (Revised: 1/16/93, 1/11/94, 4/28/05 effective 8/1/05, 4/27/06, 1/14/08 effective 8/1/08, 4/24/08 effective 8/1/08)
(a) Any contact at the prospective student-athlete's educational institution in men's basketball shall be confined to the permissible contact period and shall not exceed one visit per week; (Revised: 1/14/08 effective 8/1/08, 4/24/08 effective 8/1/08)
(b) No in-person, off-campus contact may be made during a "dead period;" (Revised: 1/10/92, 10/15/10)
(c) No on- or off-campus contact (including correspondence and telephone calls) may be made by a representative of the institution's athletics interests except those involving permissible pre-enrollment activities (e.g., a discussion of summer employment arrangements); and
(d) Contact at the site of a prospective student-athlete's competition shall continue to be governed by the provisions of Bylaw Note: Contact with the prospective student-athlete's relatives or legal guardians at the site of the prospective student-athlete's competition shall be permitted (see Bylaw (Revised: 1/10/92)