More democratic pedos

Dude just stop with your petty BS. The brown plane thing was a joke. You keep repeating it makes you look like a bigger joke. Am I disgusting person for hating pedophiles? If that’s the case I will gladly be a disgusting person. Grow up.
Hello? You got an answer? Almost 200 posts in the original thread after your "joke." Called out by everyone. Never claimed it was a joke in those many posts. Now you do. Why didn't you defend yourself then? We all know why.
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Hello? You got an answer? Almost 200 posts in the original thread after your "joke." Called out by everyone. Never claimed it was a joke in those many posts. Now you do. Why didn't you defend yourself then? We all know why.
I don't think this thread got the reception BOT thought it would.
Pretty sure both sides are guilty of this. Need to start putting them down like a dog when it hurts someone.
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Hello? You got an answer? Almost 200 posts in the original thread after your "joke." Called out by everyone. Never claimed it was a joke in those many posts. Now you do. Why didn't you defend yourself then? We all know why. Biggest pussie on VN.


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