More likely

Which is more likely?

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A loss to WKU or a win over Oregon?

I picked a loss too WKU but isn't the question really asking which team do you think we are closer to playing on level with. I'd like to think we are closer to Oregon but I guess the next few weeks will be very revealing.
I dont know how to answer this question because the likelihood of WKU beating us is about the same likely hood of us beating Oregon! Can happen but its a long shot. Then again we wont really know until we play.

If that's the same likelihood then the Oregon fans must be sweating bullets right now thinking we're going to keep it close because half of Volnation is convinced WKU is fully capable of the upset.
Cotton candy, pumpkin pie, sitting on desk, I love it. We can be what we can be. The man who stands up is the man who looks forward.We are not beating Oregon. And we are not losing to motorcycle man.
Neither will happen , but I went with Oregon because I'm a posi-vol :victory:

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