Tax credits are rights? Well by all means hand them all out to everyone. Why stop with consenting adults engaging in sexual acts. I mean we wouldn't want college roommates to be discriminated against would we? Two heterosexual partners living together? Because it is beyond orientation as well. Where do you stop? What if others want that perk as well? You're thinking a little short sighted on this whole issue.
Denying tax credits because of sexual orientation of one's partner is an issue of civil rights.
I mean, in my example does everyone have the right to use the same water fountain? Or does everyone have the right to go to the same school? What if the school is full? This way of thinking while ignoring the obvious issue is silly and intellectually dishonest. I'm sure you see the difference when racial discrimination is discussed. It is no different in this case.
And again, you stumble into a "slippery slope" argument where all roommates will get a tax credit, blah blah blah. If you applied this reasoning to anything, you'll come up with absurd results. It's a straw man, and a deflection from the matter at hand.
I guess you come to this way of viewing it because of a fundamental refusal to recognize two gay people in a relationship as being as much of a committed couple as two heterosexual people in a relationship. Because we aren't talking about "roommates." We're talking about two people that love one another, live together, and are committed to one another, but depending on their orientation are treated differently and given different civil options, with these rules originating from a particular religion's way of looking at the world. That isn't right.
No "slippery slope", "thinking small picture" argument changes that and to compare it to pedophilia (child RAPE), bestiality (animal RAPE), or random friends or acquaintances wanting to be able to get hitched is slanderous and insulting to gay people. it demonstrates no respect for their own personal dignity.