Well....I'm a HUGE Tennessee basketball fan and never rode on the bandwagon but I only catch bits and pieces of Tennessee basketball. I gave my tickets away to the Georgia game, not because I don't want to support the team, I just have better things to do with my time than get upset the whole game. I tried the whole "Well..I'll just watch to see players develope so I can get excited about next season" but that really doesn't work. I wouldn't care if Tennessee actually played with heart but they don't. I don't hate on Martin but he's made a lot of questionable coaching errors. It's almost like he decided the season was a wash a month or so ago and experimented with the offense with different players and different sets. Maymon going down has nothing to do with Martin's ability to draw a play up at the end of a game or run more stuff. This whole season is a massive let down because all I heard was how Martin was going to throw more of the offense out there. We've went backwards in a major way. I got no problem with that because we return everybody worth mentioning but when you spend the whole game frustrated and mad, it's just not that important to me when I can do other things I enjoy. They could lose every game of the year but play with some passion and concentration (especially in the half court offense) and I'm hooked. This crap that I catch bits and pieces of is horrible.