More Players In Trouble. Just Reported..

Well, well, if we can't get anything new to smear the Vols with, we just bring up stuff that's been in the news for 36 hours and report it as BREAKING NEWS.

He's done this everywhere he goes.

Maybe it's time we all quit taking the bait.

Originally posted by OldVol@Apr 13, 2005 3:43 PM
Maybe it's time we all quit taking the bait.

Taking what bait....if his name is on it, i go in waiting to make fun of something
Originally posted by Volstorm@Apr 13, 2005 3:34 PM
That's because they already are complete fools.

I think that me saying that didn't make many friends there. They all think UT is one big conspiracy, kinda like westside and you adjusting the post dates to make him look bad.
No namecalling allowed guys/gals! That even applies to Westie.
At this rate we're not going to have enough players left to have a team. Fulmer is going to have to hire guys to go hang with these players and keep them out of trouble. That or the next one that gets arrested show him the door. Maybe that will wake them up.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Apr 13, 2005 4:09 PM
No namecalling allowed guys/gals! That even applies to Westie.

How about a topic ratio rule?

Before you can post a negative thread, you have to have posted at least 2 positives.

That would eliminate some folks altogether.

I guess that would make too much sense though.
Originally posted by Volstorm@Apr 13, 2005 5:09 PM
kinda like westside and you adjusting the post dates to make him look bad.

I don't do that.

I know you don't. Sorry, it's very hard for me to type sarcasm. ;)

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