What we already knew about BHO up to this point:
1. He is African American
2. He is also white
3. He loves his preacher...more than he loves his mom
4. He hates America
5. He is a Christian
6. He is also a Muslim
7. He is married to a woman
8. He is a homosexual
9. He hopes that everyone will only pay attention to numbers 5 and 7 on this list.
Now, we have one more thing to add to that list:
BHO and UBL are related:
1. He is African American
2. He is also white
3. He loves his preacher...more than he loves his mom
4. He hates America
5. He is a Christian
6. He is also a Muslim
7. He is married to a woman
8. He is a homosexual
9. He hopes that everyone will only pay attention to numbers 5 and 7 on this list.
Now, we have one more thing to add to that list:
BHO and UBL are related:
JONESVILLE, S.C. -- The sign in front of a small church in a small town is causing a big controversy in Jonesville, S.C.
Pastor Roger Byrd said that he just wanted to get people thinking. So last Thursday, he put a new message on the sign at the Jonesville Church of God.
It reads: "Obama, Osama, hmm, are they brothers?"
Small Church's Obama Sign Causes Big Controversy - Greenville News Story - WYFF Greenville