More trouble brewing in Sudan.

Who is Sudan??

Who or what??


The Saudi embassy in Khartoum held a cocktail party one night (even though they supposedly strictly prohibit the use of alcohol), and PLO operatives invaded and captured two American diplomats and American intelligence intercepted phone calls to Yasser Arafat who personally ordered their execution and our two men were taken to the basement and executed in a most brutal manner, with automatic weapons, the assassins started firing at their feet and worked their way up in a manner reminiscent of the late Iraqi socialsit premier when he fed people into a tree chopper feet first to maximize pain and then Benedict Clinton chose to entertain the pedophile Yasser Arafat in the White House, Hitlery even getting all smoochy with his atractive wife.

I have no use for cowards but for outright traitors I have a special place.

From Dec 29, 2004, no longer linkable: (slightly edited)


Two things were on my mind as I watched Hotel Rwanda, the stunning depiction of the 1994 Rwandan Tutsi extermination that was the fastest genocide in the history of the world.

The first was Hollywood, and how I owed it an apology for the many times I have railed against its degeneracy. (I on the other hand say it reached a pinacle of degeneracy by it's ommissions and misrepresentations.)gs

(If that wasn't the pinnacle of degeneracy and deception of hollywood, then the movie; 'Last King of Scotland' was, Idi Amin was the most despicable characters in modern history bar none, and he as yet has not had to answer for killing most all the Christians of the unfortunate coutry he briefly ruled, after being ousted he found refuge with Obama's friends in Libya and now resides in splendor in Saudi Arabia while no doubt receiveing concubines from southern Sudan.)gs

A film this powerful shames the world out of its indifference to the slaughter of helpless humans and demonstrates the potential of movies to reach the places photos and words cannot. (the Tutsi's biggest mistake was allowing the UN to disarm them, we will not make that mistake here in America.)gs

The second was Bill Clinton, the great 60's liberal romantic, who dreamed of becoming president in order to make the world a better place. (a better communist place, truth be known.)

How would he deal with his shame? The movie is more damaging to his reputation than if Monica Lewinsky had equipped herself with a handycam.

Though Clinton is never mentioned explicitly in the movie, he is the ghost that haunts the entire story, the most powerful man on earth, who not only refused to intervene to save 800,000 people from being hacked to death but declined to even convene his cabinet to discuss the crisis.

How would the great liberal hope now face his Nobel-prize winning friend Toni Morrison, who called him "America's first black President"? (as it the award isn't tarnished enough.)

Would he still be invited by Oprah Winfrey to talk about his $12-million autobiography once she focused on the fact that Clinton had even refused to provide jamming aircraft to block the Hutu Power radio transmissions that orchestrated the massacres?

The $8,500-per-hour cost to the United States was determined by the president's administration be too exorbitant, even though, since 10,000 Rwandans were being killed each day, the cost came to $20 per life.

And would Bill Clinton still be a hero to a new generation of American youth once they found out that eight African nations, fed up with American inaction to stop the butchery, agreed to send in their own intervention force?

All they asked from the US was the use of 50 armored personnel carriers, but the Clinton administration refused to loan them and instead demanded $15 million, leaving the carriers on a runway in Germany while the UN scrambled to find the money.

While all this happened, an average of 334 poor black (mostly Christian) Africans were dying every hour.

THE RWANDAN genocide was unique in the annals of modern genocide insofar as the world had absolutely no excuse not to intervene.

The Ottoman Turks' slaughter of 2 million Christian Armenians took place during the fog of the First World War. The same was true of the Holocaust of six million European Jews, which gave Franklin Roosevelt the excuse that defeating the Germans was the best way to stop the carnage.

The Khmer Rouge's extermination of one third of Cambodia's seven million citizens was done in a country that was utterly sealed off from the rest of the world, (thanks to thecorrupt communist UN who denied membership to Cambodia untill the communist inspired Kmer Rouge achieved power) thus granting the Western powers plausible deniability as to its occurrence.

But with the Rwandan genocide, UN commander General Romeo Dallaire of Canada, one of the few true heroes of this otherwise cowardly tale, informed the world of both the Hutu preparations for mass murder and every development once the genocide was in full swing. (Likewise the courageous Canadian General McKenzie who said Clinton bombed the wrong side in Yugoslavia.)

The Clinton administration's response constitutes one of the greatest abominations of American history.
(Even worse than the abomination in Somalia but not as bad as in Kosovo.)

Not only did the United States refuse to intervene, but, to quote The New York Times, "it also used its considerable power to discourage other Western powers from intervening."

The Clinton administration robbed Dallaire of any ability to protect the unarmed Christian men, women, and children by demanding a total withdrawal of all 2,500 UN peacekeepers, only later allowing a skeletal force of 270 because of the strong pressure of African nations.

The administration's insistence that the UN be withdrawn was taken as a clear signal by the Hutu muslim Power militias that the West cared nothing for poor African lives.

From that time on the fate of the Christian Tutsis was sealed, and the bodies of hundreds of thousands of children, with their parents', littered Rwanda's rivers and hills.

The Clinton administration's repellant response only got worse, with the State Department then prohibiting use of the word "genocide," because that would have obligated the US to intervene.

To be fair, I should add that Clinton did go to Rwanda in 1998 to apologize – though only for three-and-a-half hours, his plane not even shutting down its engines while he spoke.

True to form, he at least felt their pain.

DECEMBER 9, 2004 was the 56th anniversary of the approval of the Genocide Convention by the United Nations General Assembly.

But with another genocide taking place in Sudan and the UN refusing to even pass a resolution condemning it, it is clear the world is still not ready to prevent entire groups being exterminated.

It is also clear that no country, not even the United States, can be trusted to prevent genocide. (even in the USA under the present administration.)

President Bush, the greatest champion of democracy since Winston Churchill, has thus far done too little to help the wretched people of Darfur, where about 100,000 have already died.

Which leaves just you and me.

I believe that rather than merely blame world leaders for being indifferent to genocide, decent people everywhere must take it upon themselves to coerce their governments into action whenever a genocide occurs.

There should be a mass strike, along with other acts of civil disobedience, for two days of every month until the great democracies take action to stop whole groups being exterminated.

Surely if enough people began to act someone with global influence will emerge to inspire and orchestrate the campaign. We could shut down whole countries twice a month until those governments act.

Mass slaughter requires a mass response.

Let's begin with the Sudan, whom the US and other responsible governments have already labeled guilty of a genocide.

Let us strike until the Western democracies send troops into the Sudan to stop the Janjaweed militias, or carry out air strikes against the Sudanese government that is arming them.

Wishful thinking by Shmuley imo.

What it's going to take is a lot of Dexters who are willing to shoot down Benedict Clinton and his ilk like the dirty dog traitor they are.

BTW, while people die under the muslim jihad in Sudan daily, for nealy five years now, lawyers in the corrupt world court in the Hague have been drawing $800 an hour to work things out.

Some justice!
It was bad enough when we had to give millions to Sudan.
Now they have split into two separate countries and we now
have to support TWO 3rd world countries.
Sorry, that article was a biased POS.

President Bush, the greatest champion of democracy since Winston Churchill, has thus far done too little to help the wretched people of Darfur, where about 100,000 have already died.
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You responded to a comment in which I called the piece a biased POS.
Did I say you were wrong? My comment was about the article, specifically the seeming assertion that Churchill and Bush were great champions of democracy when nothing could be further from the truth for either. I took it that the writer didn't know up from down, or was just spouting BS.
Wow... I thought Kyiv would be the next Saigon or Kabul. But it looks like Khartoum is next on the list for American debacles... But hey, at least they are "sheltering in place" and keeping safe from the C-19 virus.

US Prepping Military-Led Evacuation Of Embassy Staff From Sudan | ZeroHedge

The recent breakout of civil war for control of the Sudanese capital city of Khartoum led by rival generals has prompted the US government to ready contingency plans to evacuate American embassy personnel who are currently sheltering in place.

US Africa Command (AFRICOM) said in a Thursday statement that it "is monitoring the situation in Sudan and conducting prudent planning for various contingencies" - after a midweek ceasefire attempt failed to hold on.
US Military Evacuates Embassy Staff From War-Torn Sudan | ZeroHedge

There's a shadow hanging over Sunday's success, however: There are some 16,000 more American citizens believed to be in Sudan. A chief obstacle to getting them out safely and efficiently is that fact that the main international airport in Khartoum has been severely damaged by heavy shelling. Additionally, military cargo planes would be needed for evacuations, since civilian airliners are staying away from the capital.
I don't know why its surprising to you. The RSF has links to Wagner. The RSF started this when they launched their coup attempt to take over the country.
It isn't that simple. From what I've seen thus far, it looks like both sides have ties to Russia. The difference is that the RSF also seems to be supported by the US.

The 8-day-old war pits the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) of General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo. Dagalo, who's also known as Hemedti, had allied with Burhan in a coup, and served as his deputy head of state before the two became sworn enemies.

The RSF told Reuters it coordinated in the American evacuation, but a senior US military official refuted that claim.

The US would love to bring chaos and mayhem freedom and democracy to Sudan in order to scuttle the proposed Russian naval base. The timing of this uprising is very suspicious given that announcement just 2 months ago...
It isn't that simple. From what I've seen thus far, it looks like both sides have ties to Russia. The difference is that the RSF also seems to be supported by the US.

The US would love to bring chaos and mayhem freedom and democracy to Sudan in order to scuttle the proposed Russian naval base. The timing of this uprising is very suspicious given that announcement just 2 months ago...
Why does Russia need a navy base in Africa?

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