More trouble brewing in Sudan.

16,000 american citzens still in sudan

Being an American isn't a get out of violence free card. The embassy folks were working on behalf of the government and we should get them out once it is too hostile/dangerous. Anyone there on their own accord (work, living there as a dual citizen, etc.) should find their own way out. It isn't like there was zero warning for this, they had time. Sorry, choices have consequences.
16,000 american citzens still in sudan
That sounds like way more than what should be there. Are these mostly intelligence analysts because the area is hotbed for terrorist recruitment and training?
That sounds like way more than what should be there. Are these mostly intelligence analysts because the area is hotbed for terrorist recruitment and training?

Washington Post and a couple of other outlets are referring to them as private citizens who may hold dual citizenship so it doesn't sound like they are their working on behalf of the government.
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Washington Post and a couple of other outlets are referring to them as private citizens who may hold dual citizenship so it doesn't sound like they are their working on behalf of the government.
Hmm, that’s an odd situation then. If they live in that country by choice, let them stay there.
Hmm, that’s an odd situation then. If they live in that country by choice, let them stay there.

There might be a few there for other reasons, but probably the vast number of them were there by choice. Yes, that is why those posts about all of the American's left behind are misleading at best/lying at worst. If you chose to live there, then you deal with the consequences if you didn't leave in time.
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It isn't that simple. From what I've seen thus far, it looks like both sides have ties to Russia. The difference is that the RSF also seems to be supported by the US.

The US would love to bring chaos and mayhem freedom and democracy to Sudan in order to scuttle the proposed Russian naval base. The timing of this uprising is very suspicious given that announcement just 2 months ago...
or it could be part of the Egyptian/Ethiopian scuffle going on over the nile after the Egyptians supported some rebels in Ethiopia. Sudan typically supports Egypt because the Ethiopian control hurts them too.

or maybe, just maybe, its a crap government tearing itself apart because the arbitrary lines westerners drew were....arbitrary. not everything has to be a conspiracy.
or it could be part of the Egyptian/Ethiopian scuffle going on over the nile after the Egyptians supported some rebels in Ethiopia. Sudan typically supports Egypt because the Ethiopian control hurts them too.

or maybe, just maybe, its a crap government tearing itself apart because the arbitrary lines westerners drew were....arbitrary. not everything has to be a conspiracy.
Those arbitrary lines are a real bane.
None of our business...

When others are seeking to stoke unrest and sponsor the violence there perhaps it is in our best interest.

If others leave it be we would as well..... But you know who's stoking the unrest there and don't take a similar stance on their participation....... The obvious question is why?

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