For me, anytime someone plays the racist card in a political debate I immediately declare that person the loser. If real racism is involved, we all know it, you don't have to tell us. I am part Cherokee. My closest friend is chinese. I don't give a crap either way. I am not responsible for what happened in the past, I don't hold anyone living responsible for what happened in the past. In the present, I treat everyone as individuals. I can't stand most people. I am an equal opportunity disliker. I can't stand partyline democrats or partyline republicans. I can be, and I am, friends with people in both camps. One of my friends from work that I play basketball with is a diehard liberal. He and I go and play basketball down at the old armory and we are usually the only pale faces in the crowd. We spend hours just me, him and a gym full of black guys. At first they looked at us funny, until the first time we owned the court for 2 straight hours because no one could beat us. After that, we were accepted. Am I rambling? Yup. My point is, race is only relevant if people make it relevant. Otherwise, people are just people and most of them suck.