Most depressing movies and TV shows

Million Dollar Baby, Stalingrad, Rocky IV (when Apollo Creed dies), and Dr. Zhivago.

I went on this kick in my mid-20s when I had a little money in my pocket and no obligations. I'd just buy any DVD of a movie I liked if I saw it on discount, never considering how re-watchable the movie might be. So I got a collection with probably about 15 movies like this that I will never watch again.
Schindler's List
Sophie's Choice
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

You know what you're getting in a holocaust movie. Sophie's "Choice" was given to her on the selection ramp at Auschwitz by Josef Mengele. Which one of her two kids would she take to the labor camp. The other would be immediately taken to the crematorium and gassed.
I think medical dramas are highly depressing. My wife has been watching The Good Doctor and I find it unbearable. Nothing like watching people get told they have diseases or dying.
I think medical dramas are highly depressing. My wife has been watching The Good Doctor and I find it unbearable. Nothing like watching people get told they have diseases or dying.
She'll probably like the new NBC series Brilliant Minds coming next month starring Zachary Quinto. The preview reminds me a little of House.

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The Fresh Prince episode when Will's dad came back and left again and Will gave that speech to Uncle Phil.

I read that that speech wasn't scripted and he was speaking from his own life, i don't know if it's true or not.

I’m guessing that it was from his real life since the anger and sadness he shows is very well done.
The Original Party of 5
A season 1 episode that makes me very sad and has made me cry is when Charlie got very angry at Claudia that he pulled his arm back indicating he was going to punch her.
He became very sad when he saw how angry he got, and Claudia did become visibly scared.
I was depressed when I thought at the time that Jenny gave him aids! (It's been since explained that's not what she died from).
From USA Today last year

Forrest asks Jenny and Forrest Jr. to live with him, and Jenny proposes to Forrest. The two marry in the backyard. After some time of living together as a family, Jenny dies at age 32. Her illness is never explicitly stated, though screenwriter Eric Roth confirmed in a 2019 interview that she died of AIDS.
From USA Today last year
See, I thought I read somewhere that it was Hep C. I don't care to look it up though. Everyone thought AIDS when they see the movie. But 32? Are folks confusing the book and the movie? Seems like Forrest was older than 32. Hmm. Not arguing at all just thinking this out, ha.

Edit: It was Hep C in the book, AIDS in the movie.
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the end to the Prestige gets me. yeah there is somewhat of a happy ending. but the paraphrased line of "Never knowing if you are the Prestige or the man in the box". "no one cares about the man in the box"

the double life with the wife "I love you", "Not today"

Tesla is a very fatalist persona in that one.

the doubles line of "you would drink too, if you knew the world half as well as I do"

amazing movie, I love watching it, but it always hits me pretty heavily. lots of really good acting in that one imo.
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