It seems unlikely that the University of Michigan is the most hated team in Michigan and that Texas is the least popular in Texas (way to stuff the ballot, Spartan and Aggies faithful), but these results still give an overall snapshot of where animosity lies.
Reddit did an update and still no Notre Dame? This deal is mega-rigged.
I dunno. While Notre Dame is universally disliked, the only school that might consider the Irish to be its biggest rival is USC. And I imagine many Trojan fans hate UCLA more than ND.
It really doesn't surprise me that Notre Dame isn't #1 in any particular state. Maybe MA, since BC doesn't have any other big rivals. But most Boston residents are probably Notre Dame fans anyway.
:crazy:Texas is the most hated team in...Texas? Ok.:crazy:
I find it hard to believe Kentucky is the most hated team in Kentucky.
This concept is not very difficult, just because you're the most popular team in your state doesn't mean you can't be the most hated as well. If all the opposing fanbases combined, hate one common university but the hate stemming from that other university is spread out over multiple institutions then one of those other institutions can't be the most hated.
In TX, all fanbases not named TX, hate TX. Whereas if you pull TX fans some may say TTU is most hated, some may say OU is most hated or aTm etc. But if you poll aTm, Baylor, TTU, OU fans in TX etc they'll all very likely say TX is most hated. Yes they have the largest fanbase in the state but they also have the most haters against them too.