Most Overhyped Vol

I like Munoz, most kids would have hung it up with the number of serious injuries he's had, what amazes me is that after all the injuries/surgeries he's still a great player and starter. It's got to be hard to live up to the hype of being the son of such a famous HOF player.
true ill always have respect for someone that gives their all (Gaines) over someone with all the talent in the world that plays like a pantsy so they can be a high draft pick (kelly washington) man dont even get me started on this primadonna :biteme: kelly
Greg Barnum was the center who bailed back to Texas.

I think the lists provided are pretty darn close to covering most of the busts. Good job.

To me a bust never plays or contributes that much even though they were highly touted. So Owens, Boulware, Jeffries, Richard Hall, Brian Darden, are classic bust. Todd Collins comes to mind as well, even though he was only with us briefly. Devon Davis was a LB from Texas who never did anything.

To me Munoz and Davis were more disappointments than busts. Stewart was also not a bust but was never as good as advertised even at TAMU.

Todd Collins was a football disappoint in general. I would have loved to see both him and Brent healthy and in orange. What was the youngest Collins' brothers name, the one who actually signed with us out of HS but never played. I've seen a few dozen NFL players when they were in HS and Todd is second only to Leroy Thompson as the best athlete I played against or watched play. USA Today ranked him the biggest recruiting disappoint of the 1980's several years ago. If he had stayed at UGA and stayed healthy he would have been a top 3 round draft pick. That alot of coulda woulda shoudas!
I think we are forgetting about Derrick Tinsley. Not a bust by any means but was never used correctly. Great team player, played hard, just never got a chance. More of a disappointment.
Goodness me folks, what does a guy have to do to get any respect around here, drape a rattle snake around his arm and bite off gator heads all at the same time.

Please, check out this link and look under the section that says guards and tackles.

If anyone thinks Munoz was a bust, I sure wouldn't have wanted them to see me play.
When considering a bust, I don't think it's fair to include injuries. If you want to see the definition of bust, look at Onterrio Smith. One, two, three strikes you're out. Then, he goes to the Wcoast and hits it big.

He could have been the Vols next big RB, but he couldn't control his urges.
Gotta go with Leonard Scott, not only a subpar receiver, but on kickoff returns or punt returns would always seem to end up running east to west for not very much yardage...... I have screamed at many a TV screen because of Leonard! :bad:
Even though Lenoard Scott wasn't that great of a wide reciever, he wasn't that bad at returning kicks. I remember in the georgia game of 1999 when he returned a kick 100 yards for a td. he wasn't as big of a bust as some of the other's y'all have talked about.
Originally posted by Vol 4 Life@Feb 4, 2005 8:45 PM
Brian Darden, RB from Mississippi in the early early to mid 90's. Total bust and he was one of the highest recruited RBs in the nation.

Thats the guy I was thinking of. Top RB in the country that year and as far as I know, never played a down for the VOLS.
I think Brent was the older brother that went to UGA and Todd also went to UGA out of high school. I remember how much that hurt. I think we did get Chuck Webb that year so that helped ease the loss.
IMO Leonard Scott was not highly rated enough to be a bust. He was a marginal player in high school who was going to be transformed by out great coaching. Well you know the rest of the story.
I was talking about the third Collins brother, he signed with UT. Todd signed with UGA in 1986 and Brent with UGA in 1988. The third brother was a DE who signed with UT in the mid 1990's.
How about Dewayne Dotson from Hendersonville. He was a fullback at UT and never played worth mentioning. Then transferred to Ole Miss and was an All-SEC and All-American LB. Ended up in the NFL.

Another is Steve Mathews the QB from Tullahoma who never made it past third or fourth on the depth chart then transferred to Memphis and set several school passing records and took the grand tour thru the Arena League, NFL Europe, NFL and XFL.
Dand. I almost forgot to mention Austin Kemp. He was a Parade AA from Brentwood who never played a down. To be fair, they say he had a back problem.
Originally posted by OldVol@Feb 5, 2005 12:46 PM
Goodness me folks, what does a guy have to do to get any respect around here, drape a rattle snake around his arm and bite off gator heads all at the same time.

Please, check out this link and look under the section that says guards and tackles.

If anyone thinks Munoz was a bust, I sure wouldn't have wanted them to see me play.

:dlol: :dlol: :dlol: :dlol: :dlol:

this all-american team for munoz was a joke. he was never healthy and never played to potential. he rode his daddys name. period. i could care less if he started every game or not. he is nowhere near what he was hyped to be.

and the name of the thread is overhyped. not who was a bust.
you are right checker. The post kind of went off in a different direction. Munoz has to be one of the most hyped players in history. Of course Manning was over hyped as well but he could back it up. Munoz could not. So really you need to change the post to over hyped under performing Vol. Know what I mean brother. I am sure you do or I can explain it again in person at the next Vol gathering.
Originally posted by volmazing@Feb 4, 2005 8:01 PM
No way it's Brooks. He has played some, but look at who he has played behind. Next year he will have the opportunity to step up and contribute. If he doesn't play well next year, then maybe you can say that.

i agree with you totally... brooks knocked the hell outa cadilac in the sec champ game on one of the kick returns. He left carnell williams on the ground for like 10 mins. he's young he'll come out and he a great player
Leonard Scott, Joey Matthews, Dustin Moore, I remember all of them were supposed to be difference makers coming out of HS. Instead they ended up being some of the biggest disappointments at UT. I wanted all of them to do well.

Brandon Stewart was not a disappointment. Afterall, he did end up winning one game for UT. It just so happened that he was wearing a Texas A&M uniform and playing in the Big XII at the time. :clap:

I always thought A.J. Suggs was a bigger threat to take Clausen's job than Joey Matthews. Had he won the job and Casey transferred, I think our results would have been eerily similar to what they were in Casey's tenure. But then again if that had happened, C.J. Leak would have been our QB during the stretch that Ainge and Schaffer were hurt. :eek:
Originally posted by westsidevol@Feb 5, 2005 3:27 PM
you are right checker. The post kind of went off in a different direction. Munoz has to be one of the most hyped players in history. Of course Manning was over hyped as well but he could back it up. Munoz could not. So really you need to change the post to over hyped under performing Vol. Know what I mean brother. I am sure you do or I can explain it again in person at the next Vol gathering.

ill be there. where is it this year?

:dlol: :dlol: :dlol:
Arguing semantics here: how can you be overhped if you WIN a spot on the All American team?

You may not give that a lot of credit, but I think it's a darned good accomplishment.

I don't buy voting a kid All-American because hid dad was a great pro.
I would have to go with Darden and OJ Owens.

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