Most realistic poll yet (if you are a delusional gamecock fan)

I, for one, love this list. Some of the comments are hilarious:


"Team is in disarray. Rodriguez is over his head here and trying to run the spread at UM is ridiculous and stupid. The O returns nobody and even recruits are running off to Ohio."

Come on -- that's funny.
This has got to be the most ridiculous poll I've seen all year. USCjr at 4 right behind USCsr.haha

Mizzou at #2?
UNC at #5?
Even Bama at 17 is ridiculous.
Cincinatti at 16?

You're just showing how ignorant you are.

I absolutely disagree with some of the ratings in this poll but Missouri at 2 is VERY possible and Cincy at 16 is very possible as they finished 20th last year. You're pretty ignorant too.
I absolutely disagree with some of the ratings in this poll but Missouri at 2 is VERY possible and Cincy at 16 is very possible as they finished 20th last year. You're pretty ignorant too.

Mizzou will not end the season at number 2. Cincy will not end the season in the top 20. If I'm ignorant for stating my opinion then you are just as ignorant for stating yours.
Mizzou will not end the season at number 2. Cincy will not end the season in the top 20. If I'm ignorant for stating my opinion then you are just as ignorant for stating yours.

Enlighten me with your reasoning behind both of your opinions...
Mizzou might make it out of the weak Big 12 North with a decent ranking but will get embarrassed again when they play the elite. Playing SEMS, Nev and Buff won't help their SOS or respect factor at all.

As someone said in another thread, they're the Big 12 version of USCe.
Enlighten me with your reasoning behind both of your opinions...

Reason's why Mizzou will not be ranked #2 at end of season:

1. They open with Illinois(BCS Bowl)
2. Nebraska, Texas, Colorado, and Kansas
3. They would play Oklahoma, Texas(possibly again), or Texas Tech in the B12 Championship.
4. Had the number 59th D last year. Probably will improve because they return 9 starters, but...Nebraska had the number 9 total O last year and their D, which lost them plenty of games, will be better with Bo Pellini at the helm.

Colorado is vastly underrated. Kansas had horrible kick coverage last year, and Colorado was top 30 in kickoffs last year. Their rushing O should be better with Darrell Scott.

Kansas returns 15 starters including 9 on their D which was 12th in the nation last year. They return Reesing as well.

5. Too many good teams ahead of them at this point. Ohio State, Oklahoma, and Florida will all have outstanding seasons. UGA will probably lose a couple they shouldn't but at this point, they are ranked ahead of them. LSU will not stay ahead of them, and USC, even though they lost Sanchez should be able to replace him with the many talented QB's they bring in.

Now to Cincy:

They only return 14 starters.

Oklahoma, Rutgers, West Virginia, Pittsburgh, and Louisville.

That can pretty much show you right there they won't end up a top 20 team.

BTW, you're ignorant.
Reason's why Mizzou will not be ranked #2 at end of season:

1. They open with Illinois(BCS Bowl)
2. Nebraska, Texas, Colorado, and Kansas
3. They would play Oklahoma, Texas(possibly again), or Texas Tech in the B12 Championship.
4. Had the number 59th D last year. Probably will improve because they return 9 starters, but...Nebraska had the number 9 total O last year and their D, which lost them plenty of games, will be better with Bo Pellini at the helm.

Colorado is vastly underrated. Kansas had horrible kick coverage last year, and Colorado was top 30 in kickoffs last year. Their rushing O should be better with Darrell Scott.

Kansas returns 15 starters including 9 on their D which was 12th in the nation last year. They return Reesing as well.

5. Too many good teams ahead of them at this point. Ohio State, Oklahoma, and Florida will all have outstanding seasons. UGA will probably lose a couple they shouldn't but at this point, they are ranked ahead of them. LSU will not stay ahead of them, and USC, even though they lost Sanchez should be able to replace him with the many talented QB's they bring in.

Now to Cincy:

They only return 14 starters.

Oklahoma, Rutgers, West Virginia, Pittsburgh, and Louisville.

That can pretty much show you right there they won't end up a top 20 team.

BTW, you're ignorant.

Hawaii made a BCS bowl last year and had about the same result as Illinois so your first point on Missouri is worthless....

I agree with all of your others. I did not say they would finish 2 and Cincy 16...all I need was say there was a possiblity.

Cincy will lose to Oklahoma and West Virginia. They could easily win the rest of their games. You do not think they would be in the top 20?

Ignorant is posting your opinion as you did and offering absolutely nothing to state why you believe that way. That's why I called you ignorant. You're doing just to be a smartass.

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