I was so hoping to see MTSU pull that out. That Tanner tailback smoked the L'ville DB's after breaking that tackle spinning to the sideline a afterburning 79 yards. Know that feeling.
anyone else watching this track meet. Great game so far even though the dumbest person to ever coach football, Bill Curry is stinking up the field with his expert opinions.:detective:
My roommates and I did. I think you grossly underestimate the rise of Soccer in the US. On any given day on campus I see 4-5 soccer jerseys in my 10-15 min walk to class. Soccer is growing in popularity, and ESPN wouldn't show it if noone watched it.
In every single game I've ever watched where Curry is one of the announcers, he is Mr. Negative/Critical through the whole game. He never lets up. It is almost as if he is the God of Football and he is casting judgment during the entire game. Whoa be it on some poor mortal collegiate to run afoul of Curry's critique.
He even had his fellow announcer stumped a few times last night when the guy would pitch him a softball lead-in for some color commentary and Curry would respond with something full of bile and criticism. There would be a long pause as the fellow announcer regained his composure and tried to change the subject.
*On another note, I think you will see a much different Cards defense in upcoming games. They were asleep during much of the game last night. I predict they will be awake against the Cats next week.eace2: