Mueller Report Imminent

Sorry, didn’t mean to trigger you with discussion of matters outside your safe space.

LOL I’m as laid back as they come , i would even go so far as to say even a liberal lawyer would have problems tripping my trigger . I’m not one that requires safe spaces . I just pointed out that it’s a waste of time arguing the mueller report unless you impeach Trump . I didn’t take into account that you will probably try to bill @Hog for talking to him about it . 😊
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1. Your analogies about “just talking” are invalid because they lack nexus to the presumed facts. Trump didn’t “just talk about it” he directed that the firing be done and called back asking for an update. Have you ever directed anybody to commit a crime? Why not, if it’s no big deal?

2. Your analogies to your own work have the same flaw as above, but additionally this incredibly favorable view is not shared by the people who were actually involve at the time, namely McGahn, Lewandowski, and Dearborn. None of them thought this was just a routine business decision. They thought they were being directed to commit criminal acts and they refused. McGahn even prepared to resign over it. It was also something Trump had been specifically counseled not to do.

3. The general idea of “it can’t be a crime because nobody actually got fired” is immaterial to the issue of whether or not a crime was committed under federal law. I said this in my last post. The one that you quoted.
The argument wasnt that Trump didnt fire Mueller and is therefore innocent. The argument is Trump didnt fire anybody who refused. They have that right and responsibility and acted correctly so a crime didnt happen.

Was Trump told by his AGs that it would be obstruction in your presumed facts? That could definitely change Trumps stance. If he didnt know and didnt understand he would be breaking the law. Again no way the president can know the legality of every one of his actions and he needs people to tell him.

Do you really think the conversation went something like:

Dt: fire him.
Ag: no. It's against the law to even suggest that, you need to stop. Here are the sections you are violating.
Dt:fire him
Ag: no it's illegal to even suggest that. Stop.
Dt:fire him.
Ag: *resigns*

I get he isnt the sharpest light bulb in the box. But I doubt you are saying he is that dumb?

I am willing to bet they gave him more generic answers of no. And left it there until Trump pushed the matter.

As far as talking to people about breaking the law, pretty much everyday. Speed, jaywalk, joke with friends about thievery, murder, mayhem. Even at the office I spend a good chunk of my time figuring out ways past/thru/around any number of laws, building codes, and so forth. Heck I can even call up the city and ask about certain options without breaking a law.

There is a difference in doing and talking. Even if the talking is the crime, it's part of the reason it's a protected right. Being able to figure out what is allowed and isnt is important to any modern society.
Does the Mueller report involve statutes that are inside your area of practice?
No. They’re federal statutes, I practice Tennessee law, exclusively. I have not been admitted (nor have I applied) to practice before any federal court.

The things I post on this forum are my own personal opinions and commentary and should never be relied upon as legal advice, whether they relate to Tennessee law or Federal law.
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No. They’re federal statutes, I practice Tennessee law, exclusively. I have not been admitted (nor have I applied) to practice before any federal court.

The things I post on this forum are my own personal opinions and commentary and should never be relied upon as legal advice, whether they relate to Tennessee law or Federal law.
I know that. Just messin' with ya.

BTW, I appreciate your insights regarding this and other topics, even though I respond in a way that doesn't hardly ever show that.
No. They’re federal statutes, I practice Tennessee law, exclusively. I have not been admitted (nor have I applied) to practice before any federal court.

The things I post on this forum are my own personal opinions and commentary and should never be relied upon as legal advice, whether they relate to Tennessee law or Federal law.

3600 posts , I hope you aren’t just now getting around to the disclaimer . 😂
I know that. Just messin' with ya.

BTW, I appreciate your insights regarding this and other topics, even though I respond in a way that doesn't hardly ever show that.

You can include me in that also . He does seem brighter than the average liberal . Still a lawyer tho so there’s that . 😊
It is really dangerous to our form of government when people don't accept the results of an election. This is how civil wars start. Democrats couldn't accept Bush/Gore and they don't accept Trump/Clinton or Kemp/Abrams in Georgia.
And again, luthe will be in front of the bathroom trying to decide which to use, and I can hit him in theh head with a hammer. Won't even have to waste a bullet. IT will be the easiest and quickest war ever.
Trump's ability to control the narrative received by the redhatted has had a constipation effect; but as we all know, sh!t cannot be contained indefinitely.
lulz. In other words, you have nothing. What is really funny is that you expect President Trump to hand you things like his tax returns, and probably any other documents you 'ask' for that you would without a doubt, try to turn into something from which you could justify an impeachment. You are truly pathetic. I will take a dispicable Trump over a pathetic leftist any day and twice on Sunday.
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I would be okay. Like I've said before, I'm pretty much Trump proof; at least compared to the average person.
Sure, I would be saddened for my children and their future children, and for humanity on this planet in general, but I'll try to focus on the extra couple of dollars in my wallet for the brief time that continues.
On the bright side, Trump is great for both of my daughters' chosen career paths. He increases the demand for their expertise greatly.
When Mr Trump leaves in 2024, I will vote socialist. So your kids can support me with their taxes.I hope they have to pay rates like back in the early 70s.
In the case of the emails, didn't Comey essentially say she was guilty, they just weren't going to press charges?
I viewed it similarly to the obstruction findings, only Trump's much more guilty based on intent.
You know Pelosi did an interview this weekend where she spelled out her calculus on this for the idiot Dems who are screeching for a pound of flesh and are too stupid to do the analysis on their own, right?

So you just outted yourself as dumber and more uninformed than the screaming hoard of liberal activists...

... for some substanceless snark that was a week behind the conversation.

Well played.
* horde
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You don't believe any of this. You know this is about fund raising and being able to try and stretch this out until 2020 election.
He sits out on the veranda at the local pub with his Scotty in his lap laughing with all of his pals talking about the troll job he is pulling on these TN hicks. However, if he let any of them read his drivel they would realize what pity we actually have for him.
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