Mueller Report Imminent

This is quality TV. The Muell lobs a turd in the punch bowl on the way out the door as he states he will not testify to Congress by his own decision. 😂

Subpoena that MF-er right now and hold him in contempt if he refuses to show. Be consistent at least you idiot Nadler.

Apparently neutrally clarifying his report findings equates to "lobbing a turd in the punch bowl".

Truthfully, based on his summary today - I don't think that you'd want him answering the congressional democrats questions.
I think you misunderstood the report and this PC. He is saying that they didn't have an option to charge a sitting President with a crime and also that if he was innocent, they could have and would have stated so. I like what Trump is doing for the country right now, specifically the job market and other things, but how could anyone see this and not see it as something bad for Trump? This gives the Dems more ammo to go forward with impeachment IMO.
If the Ds time it right, they can be at the pinnacle of impeachment hearings during the 2020 campaign and election. Crafty.
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Mueller has basically said this whole thing was a waste of time because I couldn't charge Trump if I wanted to anyway lol.. What a circus
See the last post I quoted you on. Either Barr or Mueller is lying. Barr made his statement to Congress under oath. Until the Muell does the same I’ll stick with that.
Apparently neutrally clarifying his report findings equates to "lobbing a turd in the punch bowl".
Put him under oath and reconcile his statement with Barr’s. Until then it’s a turd in the punch bowl.

And how about you MF-ers move on impeachment now then if this little talk is the Rosetta Stone hmmmmmm?
Apparently neutrally clarifying his report findings equates to "lobbing a turd in the punch bowl".

Truthfully, based on his summary today - I don't think that you'd want him answering the congressional democrats questions.
I don't look at this PC or his comments as clarifying......I find it to be the exact opposite. JMO
I honestly don't understand Mueller's reasoning.

How does just the act of saying someone is guilty equate to indicting someone?

Using that department of justice guideline to not make a determination one way or the other seems questionable at best. Disingenuous at worst.
Apparently neutrally clarifying his report findings equates to "lobbing a turd in the punch bowl".

Truthfully, based on his summary today - I don't think that you'd want him answering the congressional democrats questions.
Oh I think more than ever his ass needs to get dragged in front of Congress and explain himself ... under oath.
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He basically just reiterated what was already in the report.

And yet it's very strange that Barr would lead trump to tweet "total exoneration" and the author of the report just went lee corso on his ass.

This is what I heard, am I wrong?
He concluded that there was interference in our elections by the Russians. He said there was not enough evidence on collusion and the President. On the obstruction charge he said he can't charge a sitting president-- that was up to Congress. The problem for Congress is that the Senate won't charge Trump with impeachment regardless of evidence so it's all a waste of time. .
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